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Jelani heavyn Nicole
at home
November 3rd

 "Every time I watch this show it makes me want a work boyfriend" I said as I and Jasiel watched Grey's anatomy "Stop playing with me" Jasiel mugged looking behind him "I am actually so serious

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"Every time I watch this show it makes me want a work boyfriend" I said as I and Jasiel watched Grey's anatomy "Stop playing with me" Jasiel mugged looking behind him "I am actually so serious..." I said making a face "Alright" Jasiel shook his head "Okay stop moving so I can't part your hair correctly" I said starting to part his hair "Let me face the other way" Jasiel said "Your nasty ass" I laughed "what we doing today" Jasiel asked "in this weather we staying in the house" I said looking out the window it was raining bad "and watch movies all day" he asked "yes you got food in here we will be fine" I said looking in the mirror ahead of us in Jasiels living room

"you're so pretty" Jasiel complimented me "thank you, you're handsome yourself " I replied blushing "wanna know what else look good" he asked "no thank you" Je'lani replied and they laughed together.

"WHATS THE MOVESSSSS" the group of boys yelled walking into the house "In this weather y'all wanna come over here" I said mugging

"yes because we ain't got shit else to do" Deej said "Facts" Teej said "Plus we missed you" Blasian said as she and Layla and Kaitlyn surrounded me "Don't step on my hand bih" Jasiel said to Blasian "Shut the fuck up" She mugged him acting like she was finna step on his hand "and when I slap you" He mugged "Sassy as fuck" She mumbled "What we doing" Kaitlyn asked "You know how I am when it's raining, I just wanna sit around" I said braiding up Jasiel's last braid "it will probably been done stopped by 6" Blasian said "No I saw on the news it's all day" Layla said "Damn" Blasian said

"We can stay in the house that ain't nun" Teej said "You right" Blasian said "Y'all tammat we y'all are finna go home" I said laughing "Can me and my friend have alone time" she added on "What y'all tryna be grown for" Deej mugged "We ain't even on that, we just always with y'all rather it's all together or separately" Jasiel mugged "True" Layla said "thank you" I said blowing a kiss at her "Y'all do not fw us no more we know where we ain't wanted" Deej said "Keep knowing" I said "Weird and fake Also blocked" Deej said "What?" I shouted "You're weird and gay asf for even blocking me dude" She mugged "I was gone give you something but you're weird" Deej said "Now you really gotta go I was lowkey just playing at first" I said

"Let's watch a movie" Kaitlyn said "We stay watching movies" Teej said "So" she replied "and yall couldn't do this at home why" I mugged "Damn girl we said we missed you but we can go tf home" Blasian mugged "I was playing boo" I said "Maybe" Jasiel added on to her sentence "anyway, y'all want us to leave or what" deej asked "I would be mad asf if I drove somewhere in the rain just to have to go back home ngl" I said "But it was unexpected so.." she added on "Okay bye" teej said

"Y'all can stay got damn" I said "How you gone tell somebody they can stay in a house that ain't yours" Jasiel mugged her "Nvm y'all gotta go like today... and biggie" I said earning laughs "Y'all can stay hut we gotta watch baddies" I said "I ain't watching that dumb shit" Teej mumbled "Okay well bye" Blasian mugged as she got the remote from me turning on baddies east

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