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   ( you can skip this character introduction ! )

[ they are all 16 ]

        Courtney Satella - old preppy aesthetic girl, humble , polite to teachers , stressed 24/7 , aces all tests, smart, independent, in the debate club and Vice captain of the cheerleading club, feels something towards Duncan, competitive, hygiene freak , a prefect,cat person. Shares a dorm with Gwen.

        Duncan Tarun - punk, skips class very often, has been crushing on Courtney for awhile, carry's spray paint everywhere, has tattoos, messy, cannot control his language, badboy, dog person, kicked out of all the clubs he joined, now club-less. Shares a dorm with DJ.

         Trent Cooper - Guitar boy, calm, cool tempered, crushing on Gwen, gets a lot of chicks, music club, mom friend , neither cat or dog person, extremely chill , shares a dorm with Justin, loves artic monkeys, Sage green vibe kinda guy.

         Gwen Ingrid - goth , outcasted by people who aren't her friends, used to get bullied a lot, art club, popular preps fear her ( not Courtney thou ) , besties with Courtney, hot topic girl, likes Trent, draws a lot, cat person.

         Lindsay Top - Extremely Karen Smith coded, looves pink, rich dad, loves 2000s movies, in a relationship with Tyler, popular , besties with Heather. Has a chihuahua. Shares a dorm with Heather. Designing club and cheerleading club.

         Tyler Kenard - Jock, kind, popular, captain of basketball club, in a relationship with Lindsay, extremely loyal, friendly, shares a dorm with Geoff, dog person, gets a lot of chicks.

        Heather Kasuga - Japanese, queen bee, Regina George coded, admired, popular, in a relationship with Alejandro, smart, classy vibes, rich, elegant , great hair, smells great, dance club and captain of cheerleading club , cat person.

        Alejandro Burromuerto - spanish, gets alot of chicks, in a relationship with Heather , loyal to Heather, popular , smart , muscular, vice captain of the basketball team, dog person.

       Geoff Alogen - party animal , in a relationship with Bridgette, surfer boy , super friendly, almost friends with the entire school. Best friends with Brody, in the basketball club, Dog person.

    Bridgette Summers - surfer chick, independent, kind hearted , loves the sun, beach vibes , shares a dorm with Leshawna, in the cheerleading club and swimming club, dog person.

     Noah Sterecra - smart , nerd , sarcastic, besties with Owen since they were little, likes Emma, shares a dorm with Owen, in the debate club, good friends with Courtney, doesn't like animals.

       Owen Waterflower - happy, kind, many friends , besties with Noah since little , shares a dorm with Noah, loves everybody, neither cat or dog person, kinda in a relationship with Izzy.

         Izzy Connelly - smart, crazyy, weird, shares a dorm with Eva , loves Owen, debate club, extremly flexible, well-known of her craziness.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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