Ch 1. Cassie?

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It was a peaceful day until Cassie got some news about Gregory going missing and there was no evidence of what happened and how it happened which was confusing to Cassie because she thought that there was always evidence in a death or a report about a missing person right?

The next day Cassie walked into school, her mind racing with questions about Gregory's disappearance and whenever she was in class, Cassie would get distracted by the questions that filled her mind and everyone had noticed that.

During lunchtime a friend of Cassie's came over to Cassie "hi Cassie, is everything ok?" She asked, Cassie looked at her friend and sighed "no Amelia I'm not" Cassie answered as she looked down at the table and food on her plate "why, what's wrong?" Amelia asked looking concerned for her friend.

Cassie kept her eyes on the food that was barely touched "did you not see the news last night?" Cassie asked as she decided to eat a little bit of her food "oh um no I haven't" Amelia answered as she put her shoulder on Cassie.

Amelia sat down next to Cassie as she put her lunchbox on the table "hey um what happened with.... You know?" Amelia asked as she started to eat "um.... Well I guess I should tell you about the news" Cassie started and then continued "my friend has gone missing" Cassie said.

Amelia's eyes were in shock after hearing the news of Cassie's missing friend, Amelia sighed and got up from the table and handed her hand towards Cassie "come on, let's go to class" Amelia said.

They entered as they sat down on their seats and saw the teacher yelling at someone as usual but Cassie noticed that it was a new student.

"Hey we haven't seen him before have we?" Cassie asked Amelia as Amelia shook her head.

"No, we haven't" Amelia answered as she looked at the teacher who then stopped yelling at the kid "everyone meet Daniel he'll be joining us today as he is new and please respect him for who he is" the teacher said as Daniel just walked to his desk without saying anything making Cassie suspicious.

After class Cassie ran up to Daniel, she tapped him on the shoulder and he looked behind him seeing Cassie "what" Daniel said annoyedly as he continued walking "um hi.... I'm-" Cassie was interrupted by Daniel "Cassie, I heard" Daniel answered as he put his book back in his locker.

Daniel sighed and continued to walk to his next class "I can show you, your next class if you want" Cassie offered as she smiled at him when all he just did was ignore her "I already had a tour of the school" Daniel explained as he got to his next class "oh, you're with me!" Cassie yelped happily as Daniel groaned in annoyance.

Daniel sat down next to a boy who had two different hair colours on him, his normal hair was blonde while his stripes on his hair were brown. "Um are you ok?" The boy asked as he looked at Daniel who looked away "yea I'm fine, just trying to get away from that girl" Daniel explained as he pointed at Cassie.

The boy giggled a bit as Daniel felt a bit of blush come in but he quickly hid it as the boy looked at him "um, what is your name?" Daniel asked as he looked at the boy "oh, no one has asked me that before....." The boy replied.

Daniel was confused why this kid has never been asked what his name was which he found suspicious.....


I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 and I hope you enjoy Chapter 2 when I release it.

Have a good day/afternoon/evening

Word Count: 638

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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