3. The Start of Something New

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She was gonna do it. Any moment now, she'd press send. 

3, 2, 1...

No. Still too nervous. 

Why couldn't she bring herself to message this man that she very much liked?

She was a 33 year old woman for christ's sake, she needed to get it together. 

But there was doubt eating in the back of her mind. It had been 2 days since Keleigh had given the pair each others numbers, and he hadn't messaged her yet. 

She was starting to wonder if maybe he was just using her for clickbait on his podcast, if maybe he wasn't really interested in actually getting to know her, just mentioned her name for the views.

She was so insecure about this. So incredibly insecure.

Because her life was not easy. Granted it was easy in so many aspects and she had no reason to complain about anything.

But some aspects were not easy at all.

How did she know when a guy was being genuine or not? How did she know if he actually liked her for her?

There was no way of knowing. She just had to take the leap of faith.

So here she was, lying in her bed at 11pm on a Monday night, hovering over the send button. 


It sent.

The message read:

TS: Hi Travis its Taylor here, Keleigh gave me your number! How are you?

Very formal. 

She didn't want to be overbearing or over eager in case he didn't like that. She was just playing it  very cool right now. 

She stared at her phone for a good few minutes, but nothing came back. 

She sighed.

She was right, he wasn't actually into her. Another dead end street. 

She placed her phone on the nightstand and turned over, sleep taking over her body.

About 10 minutes later, she felt her phone vibrate next to her. 

She shot up immediately, nearly knocking her glass of water over with her arm in an attempt to reach her phone. 

The screen flashed with an unread message.

TK: Very funny, who is this?

Taylor's brow furrowed. What did he mean? Confused, she typed a reply. 

TS: Its Taylor? Taylor Swift?!

TK: Nice try Miles, as if.

Taylor was utterly confuddled. Why was he acting like this? 

And then it hit her.

He thought it was a joke, a prank. He thought Miles Teller was messing with him, he didn't realise that it was actually her he was talking to. 

Now she needed to convince him that she was the real deal

TS: Travis, I'm not kidding. Keleigh gave me your number after I saw you talk about the friendship bracelet. 

TK: Miles I swear this isn't funny. I'm not stupid enough to think that goddess is actually messaging me. 

TK: If I FaceTime this number am I gonna see your ugly ass face man?

Taylor let out a shocked little laugh, first at the fact that he had called her a goddess, and second at the thought that he might be about to FaceTime her, which she was definitely not ready for at this stage in their non-existent relationship. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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