Living in the world alone

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"You sure we aint dona get caught Trae". "Naw we fine, juss relax". Cymphonyee had stayed after school with Trae since her little sister had cheerleading practice today. She and Trae have been messing around for 4 months nowand they finally decided it was time to go at "it" even though Trae already has a girl. They walked into the 2nd building of the school on their way to the girls bathroom. "Do you have a condom" Cymphonyee asked as she lead him to the handi-capped stall (since it was the only one with a lock that worked). "Dang yall bathroom bout as messed up and ghetto as ours" Trae said changing the subject. "Well at least ours dont smell like weed and piss" Cymphonyee said while giggling. "You got me there" Trae said. Cymphonyee walked intoo the bathroom locked the door and then sat on the toliet. "You rnever answered my question". "What?" "Did you bring a condom" "oh yeait's right here" Trae said while taking it out of his pocket and waving it in the air. "So you ready" "Yea come on" Cymphonyee said with no hesitation. Trae took his pants off then slowly pulled his boxers off so he could put on the condom. "WOW" Cymohonyee said in amazement. "what?" "It's humungous. Trae laughed. " I told you it was bigger in person". "I thought you was lyin when you said that". They both laughed. Once Trae was done putting on the condom he slowly walked torwards Cymphonyee and started kissing her neck. His lips slowly moved down to her chest. Each kiss one by one as soft as ever. Cymphonyee stood up and started to suck on Trae's neck giving him a hickey. Trae began to pull off his black polo shirt. Cymphonyee was quick to touch and kiss his carmel muscular abs. Trae pulled Cymphonyee's gray shirt off and thenn unlached her bra and began to feel on her chest, Cymphonyee unzipped her pants and slowly took them off then next were her boy shirts, now she was fully undressed. Trae stared at her with amazement then pulled her closer towards his body. Trae slowly inserted hisself into Cymphonyee. Cymphonyee's heart began to beat faster by the minute , thinking what she have gotten herself into. Trae brought hiself in and out of her and each time going harder and faster but then he started to slow down. Cymophonyee backed up against the wall pulling Trae with her. Trae began to go deeper while Cymphonyee rolled her eyes back with pleasure. They moaned and groaned as they both pleasured each other. The minutes and seconds slowly went by, when all of a sudden "Whip My Hair" by Willow Smith began to play on Cymphonyee's phone. She stopped kissing Trae and pushed him off and tried to quickly dig though her pants pocket that was on the grouund. She finally found her phone and looked at the screen. "It's my sister" she mouthed to Trae, then answered the phone. "Hey" she said into her cell. Then a few seconds passed and she hung up the phone. "Cheerleading practice ended early today so i have to go" Cymphonyee said witha disapointed look on her face. She began to put her clothes back on, Trae did the same. "Well text me!!" Trae called after her as she ran out of the 2nd building towards the track field. Once she got there she stopped to talk to some of her friends that were also on the cheer squad, she couldve been on the team with them but it was her grades that stopped her. Her sister walked up towards her. "Where have you been" she asked. "With Trae, why?" "Just asking, so what was yall doing"? "It dont matter". "Yea ok" her sister stephanye said witha rude attitude. Cymphonyee pulled out her cell so she can call her mom and tell her to pick them up because cheer practice ended early. After she hung up the phone she told stephanye that their mom was on her way. They both started walking to the front of the school. As they waited Trae walked out with Shontell, his girlfriend. Whwn he passed by cymphonyee he mouthed "Call me tonight" and cymphyonee smiled back in reply. 20 minutes later their mom pulled up and the got into the car. "So how was work today mommy" Stephanyee asked her mom as they drove out of West Beach highschool parking lot. "Well it was ok even though i was annoyed by the same lady today." she replyed to stephanyee's question. "Well my day was good, what bout you cymphonyee" "Dont ask me that question , you know how much i hate it." cymphonyee told stephanyee while she was putting her phone on vibrate. "Are we going to grandma's house since today is thursday." "No not today i have to go home because Nashyah is home with your dad. Nashyah is cymphonyee's 1yr old sister people say she looks like cymphonyee the most. but cymphonyee never saw it.The car was silent for a while. All of a sudden cymphonyee felt her thigh vibrate so she reached into her jean pocket and pulled out her cell. It was a text from Trae: watz uhp nee~nee.(Nee-nee is a nickname her bestfriend mercedeez gave to her 3 yrs ago when they were 11 in the 6th grade and it just seem to stick). Nun juss goin home she replyed to the text. 1 minute later he texted back saying: Oh call me wen yhu get home. Cymphonyee replyed K and then closed her phone. 30 minutes later after going to the gas station and stopping by wal-mart Cymphonyee arrived home. Her dad was just heading out when they were coming in, cymphonyee loved this because she hated her dad. he was just came home last year and he already was contoling her life and abusing her mom when he didnt win the lottery or when cymphonyee and stephanyee got into trouble or even had bad grades. "thank god' he said while handing Nshyah to cymphonyee. Once her dad was gone she started on her Algebra homework and then took a shower. After cymphonyee got out the shower she grabed her cell and headed for her room which was the only place where no one would bother her and since Nshyah was sleep for the night she wouldnt have to worry about her beatin on her door. Cymphonyee closed her room door and turned her ceiling fan on and turned off the light. she layed down in her bed in the dark now. she scrolled down her contacts till she found Trae's number. Once she reached it she pressed the call button. Hello? a deep voice said into the phone. "Trae" cymphonyee said. "Yea" Trae said "whats up you wanted me to call you"."Yea so you liked what you felt?" "I dont know' "what you mean you dont know" "Exactly what i said" "watever girl you know you like it, so what you doin?" "nothing just layin down talkin you." "oh" "sooooo did you have sex with shontell yet" "Naw to be honest I really dont want to." "Why she is your girlfriend?" "I dont know, she just seems like someone i wouldnt do it with." "so you would do it with me but you wouldnt do it with your own girlfriend?" "obiviously,buts its different cause i knew you longer we close" trae said. "well let me ask you a question then" "ok" "if you like me as much as you say you do, why did you go for shontell instead of me?" "I dont know cause at first I wasnt gonna date anybody but then she started talking to me so we started hanging out and she seemed real cool." "O i guess" "So, how does it feel to loe your virginity with me nee-nee?" "To be honest it feels weird every since i we did it I had butterflies in my stomach." Trae laughed "shutup im serious, but what time is it" Its 10 o clock " trae replyed to cymphonyee's question "Dang time went by fast' cymphonyee said in amazement. Cymphonyee heard the front door alarm so she knew her that had to be her dad cause her mom never lft. "Trae i gotta go my dad here, bye." "K, love you nee-nee" Trae said as she was ending the call. Then cymphonyee went straight to sleep.

The next morning cymphonyee and stephanyee's dad drove them to school. The drive was short but long because he kept lecturing them about making their beds every morning they got up. Once they arrived to West boynton high Cymphonyee's bestfriend Mercedeez met her halfway across the drop off lane. They walked up towards the school together. Mercedeez was the only one besides Trae's bestfriend Marvin, that knew about Trae and Cymphonyee. But Mercedeez doesnt want Cymphonyee to mess around with Trae, but she loved Cymphonyee and she knew how much she liked Trae. Mercedeez is a red puerto-rican and part african american girl that curves and the body of a super model she can be in the bad crowd sometimes and she wasnt that friendly but if you knew her she is. she is a smart A,B student she has pretty hazel eyes and she has goldish brown hair that reaches a inch past her shoulders. She is what all the boys at west boynton high dream of but she was already taken by Marvin Trae's bestfriend. "I have to tell you something" cymphonyee started. "Whats up nee~nee"Mercedeez asked. "Well me and Trae did it" "Did what?" Mercedeez asked with a confused look on her face. "We had sex" "Nee-nee I told you not to, now you know if the school finds out they gonna be calling you a desperate hoe and you know how ghetto shontell is she just gonna start some shit up" "I know but it doesnt matter now it's already done" Cymphonyee said in a watever kinda tone. "Nee-nee I knew you liked the boy but damnyou didnt have to go that far" "So you mad at me because " I " had sex with Trae?" "Yes, because he is taken Nee-nee" "Your suppose to be my friend and help me not bring me down I understand why you mad and all but still" "what the fuck im not gonna support you and make you feel all happy for something you did wrong, you know what I dont care you obviously dont understand yourself or what the problem is I just dont know" "Cedeez dont be like that" "Whatever that is im totally gonna be like it...... I gotta go im gonna be late for class" Cymphonyee knew she was lieIing but she let her go anyway. "Well i'll text you Cedeez" Cymphonyee called after her. "Watever" mercedeez said walking away heading for 1st period. Cymphonyee was bout to text Mercedeez saying sorry but when she felt around her pants pocket it wasnt there. She checked her backpack and it wasnt there either. "Great how worse can this day get " Brrring" that was the bell saying that she was now tardy for 1st period.

Well her first period went by quick but by second she was tired, but she couldnt sleep now because she had a test coming up in 3rd period which was in 10 minutes. After her horrible science test......

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2011 ⏰

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