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I used to run away from the dark.

I was afraid of the dark, since I was a child.

But now...

Now, I can't think about living without it anymore.

Darkness felt like home.

How many years had passed already? She had lost count, there, in that place, in the infinite darkness, time was relative.

How many people died in the human realm per second? Quite a few, but it felt like an hour of so between each death in the darkness, the time moving slowly. No, there was no way to measure time, not in the dark realms, much less in the human world.

The portal appears in front of her. She saw black, the black she is already used to see every day, and it took only a few seconds to see white, only white. She looked around, trying to get used to the light, to the place where she had appeared, in the Earth.

It was a hospital room, and she also had lost count of the times she had appeared in a similar place. It's been many times already.

The antiseptic aroma felt strange in her nose, especially if she was used to the lack of smell in the eternal darkness, likewise, she had acquired a certain liking in smelling the scent of her old world, because she was banned from going outside of her jail, her room, and now she had the opportunity to notice her surroundings, even for a short while.

She smiles, looking around, searching for the person who gave her that second chance, that second life, the freedom to see the world.

The gift of immortality.

The Grim Reaper walked slowly, her scythe in hand, the blade shining, as she approached her victim with firm, determined movements. Her whole body wearing black and red, the Death colors. It was a dark stain in the pure white colors of the room.

She was white, and she stained herself with red, with Death.

A Victim?

She didn't know if she should consider the man lying there a victim per se, since it always sounded inappropriate when she said it, even in her mind. No, he wasn't a victim and Death wasn't his attacker, but he was indeed an inert body, abandoned by the hands of life itself.

The person was on the bed, his body covered in wires and devices, keeping him alive, and apparently, it wasn't enough. Technology increased over the years, and it surprised her that people still died.

They all died at the end of the day, and there was Death to take them away.

To lead their souls to the eternal resting place.

The first-time Death showed her the human world, after their pact, she was really impressed, impressed in a way that was not at all pleasant.

It wasn't a pretty first visit to the human world at all. She must have been happy to see the outside world, to see the streets, to see a place so different from the city where she grew up. But no, she didn't see anything around her, because someone had died in an accident, and it was chaos, and her eyes were fixated in that chaos.

She saw vehicles stopped in time, people stopped in time, and she also saw blood stopped in time. Everything was inert, the sounds, the clouds, the air, there was nothing there that was alive, much less the body of the soul they were to collect.

She stared in horror at the bloody scene in front of her, shocked at such a painful and spontaneous death. It was a traffic accident, and the person affected must have died instantly, that person didn't even have time to find out what happened.

Death Arrival [Grim Reaper AU]Where stories live. Discover now