protective (jeremy volkov)

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*hey guys! hope y'all are doing well. i made this story based on my dream so i hope you like it.

lots of love, liv<3* (830 words)

( y/n's pov)

It was so boring. everything was so boring.

i had a horrendous migraine and on top of that i had a horrible day at work. I was really looking forward to be with Jeremy back at home again. Not only because i missed him, but also because he just magically makes everything better.

So, when the work day was over, i rushed back home and conveniently enough, Jeremy reached home only about 10 minutes after i did. 

As soon as he entered through the door and saw me, i saw him smile. His smiles were the best. His eyes lit up when he genuinely smiled. 

I was so relieved that he's back that i didn't notice him walking towards me until he had his arms wrapped around me. I was not very short but he was too tall, so he ended up lifting me off the ground in the process. 

I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. He smelled like his perfume, leather, wood and spice, but he also had this addicting smell that i could find in no perfume. 

" Hi Jere", i mumbled, smiling, my voice coming out muffled from the crook of his neck.

"hello love! how was your day?", he asked with a comforting gentleness in his voice.

"not that good but much better now", i replied " how was yours?"

"it was alright. That fucker Nikolai almost ruined everything but eventually we got everything under control.", he said, tightening his arms around my waist as he sat down on the bed, without letting me go.

" do you still wanna go tonight? we don't have to if you don't want to"

" yes absolutely, i still wanna go", i reassured him.

"ok. well, as much as i would love to sit here with you forever, we have to get ready, love", he informed me, adding a small 'i missed you' at the end of his sentence.

"i missed you too! and yes, I'm gonna go get ready now", i said, giving him a soft kiss. He smiled against my lips and let me go.

(time skip to the part where they're ready brought to you by chris evans eating Doritos)

We were in the car, on our way to the place where this event was held. It was a charity gala and Jeremy always brought you along anywhere since he never liked humans or leaving you. Counting the amount of times he told you how beautiful you looked would be equivalent to counting the amount of stars in the sky.

The event was quite boring and now only the last part of the event was left, the socialising.

Jeremy and you went around, talking to everyone, well , mostly you talking and Jeremy looking at you. 

"I'll be back. i have to use the washroom.", i told him and left him alone with the CEO of a huge company. On my way back, i felt someone brush up against me and grab my ass. I quickly step aside and looked back to see a man in a crimson suit, smirking and winking at me.

When i reached Jeremy, he had already sensed that something was wrong. He asked me about a million times before i caved in and told him. He looked at the man, gave a nod and asked me if i was ok.

"I'm okay jere! don't worry " i said to him with a smile.

He didn't let me go the entire night. Even as we were driving back, he asked me multiple times if i was ok.

We went home and got changed. Since i wasn't tired and ready to sleep, he asked me if i wanted to go on a ride on his motorcycle and i obviously said yes.

He put my helmet on after giving me a forehead kiss. He also said that he wanted to show me something.

I held on tight to him until we reached the destination. We took off our helmets and i gasped. It was the view of the entire city. he had got me to a high ground so that i could see the entire city. 

We talked and talked. well, mainly i talked and he listened. But he kept smiling and i love when he smiles.

We went back home after a while and he held me when we fell asleep.

The next morning , i woke up alone. Jeremy had left a note saying that he had to go work as there was an emergency and that he left breakfast for me in the microwave.

I warmed my food up and sat down, turning on the tv to see a news channel, telling us about how a powerful man disappeared from his house in the early hours of this very morning . The man was the same person who groped me at the party the previous night.

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