Not in the Cove-

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Bonnie has trouble powering down one night and while Freddy and Chica do just that on the main stage, Bonnie sneaks into Pirate's Cove to wake up Foxy. Foxy notices Bonnie in the curtain of his stage as he yawns & wipes his eyes.

whispers You awake, Foxy?

Yarr, of course, I am. You can see me, lad. Did ye really think I was asleep?

No.. I know that, I was just- he looks out the curtain and down the hall ..checking up on ya.

I see. I appreciate the concern lad. But I can handle myself.

Oh, I know you can. But... why don't I just... he moves into Pirates Cove ..check up on you just in case.

Foxy moves to the other side of the curtain, giving Bonnie more space to enter Ye really think I can't handle meself?

Bonnie enters the curtain, stepping over Foxy's legs, and walking towards the end of the curtain No, trust me; you could definitely take on anyone who came into Pirates Cove to try to get ya. It's just... I feel like staying with you.

And why would ye be wantin' to stay with a scurvy fox such as myself? I ain't exactly the nicest of folk to ye.

Heh, I know... That's why I like ya. You're a lot like me. You don't pretend to be something you're not.

Ah... I see. Ye think ye & me be cut from the same cloth, eh? Heh, maybe ye be right, matey.

So, can I stay in here? Y'know, in case something unexpected happens or something.. he winks and smiles

Aye, sure, matey. Ye can stay. Just be warnin' that I get a bit restless when me space be invaded.

No worries, I won't disturb you. I'll just... he leans back against the curtain wall here.

Yarr, as long as ye be keepin' quiet, we be fine.

He nods as he closes his eyes and starts to lightly hum.

Foxy takes notice of Bonnie's humming. While it annoyed him at first, it eventually starts to become soothing for him & he closes his eyes as well. Bonnie's humming turns into a soft melody as he continues to keep quiet. His body is slowly swaying as a result of how relaxing the noise is becoming. Foxy has a difficult time keeping his eyes shut due to the humming and melody that's coming from Bonnie. He looks at the ceiling & eventually just lies down on the ground of the stage. Eventually, Bonnie's humming becomes quieter and quiets to a stop. He seems to be completely relaxed. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes slightly to look at Foxy.

Foxy opens his eyes after noticing Bonnie looking at him. He gets up from the floor & stretches his arms out a good bit before rolling his neck to the side & back. He looks at Bonnie & tilts his head in confusion as he talks in a low voice
Ye know, I'm thinkin' ye be wantin' something....

Bonnie sighs and sits up. His twitching and restless-ness has completely subsided. His eyes scan Foxy for a moment before he smiles and leans back against the curtain wall again. His tone is soft and relaxed as he responds
..No, I don't want anything.... why'd you think that?

You be lookin' at me like ye be wantin' something from me & ya were hummin' a melody to get it. It be a pirate's intuition that ya want something.

he looks at Foxy for a moment, as a slight blush forms on his face ...Oh... I see. Well.. yeah... I.. He stops and is silent for a moment, as a blush gets more visible on his face.

Foxy looks back at Bonnie & narrows his eyes in suspicion What be it? What is it ye be wantin'?

The color of his face deepens as he looks at the ground and his hand touches his face. His voice is almost inaudible as he speaks ..Can I... he looks at Foxy, almost silently pleading ..Can I hug you?

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