Chapter 3

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There was rush everywhere in the Kingdom as everyone was busy preparing for the  second year death anniversary of the late king and queen. However Jungkook was nowhere to be seen .

Jeon hyunsik had passed away 2 years back when jungkook was 23 years old and jeon somi died some days after the death of her husband as she was unable to handle the loss.Jungkook then completely shut off everyone from his life.  He talked even fewer than before,  only when needed.He became more ruthless and everyone in the kingdom feared him.No one dared to look him in the eye.He drowned himself in business and kingdom affairs and rarely rested.

Unlike other kings,Jungkook had no interest in " having fun" with preety omegas.He never intended to look for his mate or try to fall in love for once. Jungkook being a powerful true blooded alpha , despised those who are weak and cannot protect themselves.  He hated seeing anyone cry.It was as if he hated everyone and everything.

Currently Jungkook was the most powerful alpha beacuse he was the only trueblood left after his father which makes him of the highest ranks amongst all alpha, beta and omega.He was proud of it as he knew he  could make anyone submit infront of him despite their ranks.

"Has the flowers arrived yet? " The head maid asked in a panicked voice knowing that if the ceremony doesn't go well then the king will be mad at them.

" It's on the way , I'll just go get it" the head of guards, Kim namjoon said.Kim namjoon was a 27year old alpha who had been serving the kingdom  since king jeon hyunsik' time . He was always dedicated to his work and protected the king well.


" hyung can I come with you aswell?" Taehyung asked as he saw yoongi packing the flowers which were supposed be delivered at the royal palace.He knew that it was for the late king and queen death anniversary and wanted to see them for once .Taehyung had always heard of the late king and queen but never saw them.He also heard they have a son who is the current king and rumor has it that he is very cruel and ruthless. All this had always kept taehyungs interest.  He loved palaces,he read about them in books and wanted to see one for himself but not everyone was allowed to enter and definitely not some low class omega like him.

"No taehyung, the palace is not a safe place for you to play around" yoongi said as he knew their will obviously be many high ranking alphas who show no mercy for mere omegas like taehyung.

"I will not play, I just want to see how a palace looks like...please hyung, preety please?"
Taehyung tried convincing him as he knew he must take this chance to visit the palace and make his dream come true of visiting one.
"Fine but stay close to me at all times ok bear?"yoongi finally agreed
"Yes sir"taehyung replied happily as he hugged yoongi ,almost suffocating him.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter .stay tuned for the next part .Don't forget to vote and comment .

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