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"What should I eat today-"

"H-huh?" Jisung turns around just to be scared by his own boyfriend,

"ÆAAAAAAHHH, MINHO!" he yelled,
"Whoa whoa, did I scare you that much darling?" He said hugging him,
"Y-yes! You scared me min" he said, pouting
"Um, I am sorry okay?"
"I am mad." He said turning his head side ways,
"Yah, han jisung. Are you really that mad..?"
"Yes! I am mad."

Minho just gave a small sad face and just kissed his neck while jisung panicked.

"W-what are you doing! Not h-here!"
"That's my way of apologizing, hm? I'm sorry~ jagi-ya~" he whined as he gave him puppy eyes
"Whatever, I forgive you this time. But you should grand my one wish"
"What is it? Tell me."
"Hm hm, you should give me a kiss! You haven't gave me a kiss from a long time on my lips, Mr.Minho!"
*Chuckle* "Is that you wish, Mr.Jisung?"

"Hm hm"

Minho gives a quick peck on his lips and backs off. Jisung was just enjoying it when he got mad that Minho backed off.

"Min! Gosh, that was so short!"
"Aren't you the one who said not to kiss in public, hm?" He smirked
"Not on the neck. That's kinda inappropriate! On lips, it's fine by me"

He said with a smirk on his face. He slowly pulled Minho on aside inside a ally and pulled him closer.

"I would like to request you to kiss me. No, I don't request. I demand it. Kiss me."
"Wow, since when did my small quokka started to demand me..Huh? Hm, since you want it so badly..I can give it to you."
"Then waste no time, handsome."
"I guess."

Minho joined his lips together with jisung's as he and jisung were both enjoying it very much. Jisung slid his hand on minho's neck and both gave a playful smirk to each other as their tongues are playing with one another.

Minho backed off to give jisung some air. He saw his juicy red cherry lips waiting for him. He looked so desperate now for the lips. He wanted to make it go numb.

He slowly touched jisung's lips and whispered, "Ah, Han jisung..you make me go crazy."
"Is that so? Then let me make you go more crazier than ever.."
*Raises eyebrow* "Huh, you are taking some lessons from someone, aren't you..Well it doesn't matter now. All it matters is you. I want you.."
"Fine by me. I am all yours Lee Minho."

Minho grabbed his ass and carried him while kissing the shit outta him. Tongue going across their mouth as jisung's hand goes inside minho's shirt. Minho gives a smirk and whispers,

"What a naughty boy. We can do it later, For now, control yourself"
"I don't think I can"
"You have to."
"And why is that?"
"You gotta save some energy for tonight."
*Giggle* "Whatever, pervert."
*Smirk* "You're the one who is pervert here, fuck it."

(They went on and made out for 30mins. Jisung was more hungry now. Not for food.)

"Ugh, that jisung left me on read again to hangout with his dream boy." Seungmin mumbled in anger as he just walks around alone when he notices someone in the corner.

A person playing with a dog. Oh? Sweet!

Seungmin goes towards the person and sits next to it to pet the dog to when he noticed something..

"She is cute, isn't she? Her name is berr-"

A sudden pause for both.

"Wait a minute..You look fimilar" seungmin whispered,
"Um y-you um got the wrong guy haha I gtg-"
"Not so easily." He said grabbing his shirt,
"N-naur! Leave me-"
"No, stay here Mr.Chan."
"I am no chan- my name is Christopher.."
"Ah, sorry maybe I just misunderstood your scars, ear rings, dimple and.....face as well! Don't fool me."
"Ugh, alright. What?"
"I need to thank you for helping me."
"No need. Now let me go"
"No, I want to treat you! Just accept it!!"
"Ah why- I have work!"
"Please~, I have no friends today!"
"........Ugh, alright fine."

Seungmin dragged chan around the whole world while chan was not having it.

"Can we stop? WHEN IS THIS GONNA END?"
"Aish, old man. We are not even been through half!"
"Omg- ugh, why did I agree to you-"
"Blah blah"
"If you keep doing this then I will leave this moment"
"Alright alright! Sorry! Please stay"


"Are we done..?"
"Yes, how was my treat??"
"It was nice enough..You made me ride that tall rollercoaster. And that boat thingy ugh. I feel sick.." he whispered stumbling abit
*Grabs his hand*
"Hm.. Let's go somewhere else. You really don't look too good.." He asked in concern,
"Sure" he replied short

He took chan somewhere else and made him lay down cause he was feeling sick.

"You sure you don't want to go to doctor? I'm..worried"
"I'm fine. Just a bit nauseous but it will be fine after some mins."

"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry that I made you feel sick. Gosh, I am always the problem."
"It's fine. And you're not the problem. Don't say like that! You are like a sweet puppy-"
"Awh, when did the cold channie hyung went to sweet sweet boy??"
"I'm just saying that you look like a cute puppy..Nth else"
*Giggle* *red face* "Yea yea, Mr.Saver.."
*Smiles* "whatever.."

(Chan gave his number to seungmin at the last moment and seungmin walked with chan till he reached his house safely. What a lovely couple)

Hm hm, new couple I see. Well, there are other side couples too. Like Changbin and I.n and minsung ofcouse and seungchan! Hyunlix are the main so ya'll probably know about it. Well, have fun with the new chapter y'all! For now bye bye!

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