chapter 1:

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Ok, so this my first chapter of two of a kind! Hope you like!

Hannah's POV

When I got home from school yesterday, I knew something was up. You see dad always greets me in the living room when I get back from school, and the TV is always on in my house, it never gets turned off. But when I got home, it was silent. The TV was off, and dad wasn't in the living room. As I walked further into my house, I heard a faint sound. I could just hear a whisper. I followed the noise until I found it. My dad was on the phone. He was whispering, but why? His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face.

"Dad?" I said in almost a whisper. Dad jumped at my voice. He turned around, and I saw that he was sweating; he had a fearful expression on his face. It scared me. I have never seen my dad so scared in my life!

"Dad, what's wrong?" I said growing scared myself.

"Oh, uh, well...nothing, just stressing about work..." He replied, but dad works at home. And he is his own boss. So why would he be stressed? He wasn't stressed yesterday. I couldn't believe it, dad had lied to me.

Something was definitely up.

I went up to my room and started doing my homework, but I kept thinking about how dad was acting. He never lied to me, who was on the phone, and c what did they say to make dad so scared?

By the time I finished my homework it was about 7pm, so I went down stairs to see how dad was, and if dinner was ready. Once I stepped out of my room I could smell fried chicken! My favorite! I ran downstairs ready to eat that delicious food. When I got to the table my food was already there, I waited for dad to get there so we could say grace and dig in.

Dad and I ate dinner, I nearly devoured my food. After I finished my mouth watering dinner I asked my dad about why he looked so scared when I came in this evening.

"I was just stressed about work, don't worry about it" he said.

"Dad, you work at home, you are your own boss, you don't have any deadlines this week! You have nothing to be stressed about!" I said, a tint of anger in my voice.

"Hannah, I a-" I cut him off.

"And who was on the phone? Why did they scare you? You never hide things from me! So just tell me!" I don't know what came over me. I was mad all of a sudden. I felt hot, but I wasn't sweating, I was just hot, like my blood was hot. Is that supposed to happen?

"Hannah Day Forge! You will not yell at your father in that tone! I cannot tell you everything! Go upstairs to room! I don't want to see you downstairs again tonight." Dad yelled.

What was with him? It usually takes a lot more than that to get my dad mad, and he just snapped right then and there!

I went up to my room and blasted Maroon 5. I sat on my bed and thought for a second. I called Leah, I wanted to talk to someone.

"Hello?" Leah's voice said from the other line.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, what's going on, you sound unhappy." Leave it to Leah to know something is up from a simple "hey". God I love her.

"Me and dad got into a fight, I don't really want to hang out here tomorrow, do you think we could spend the day at the pool?"

I could hear her yell down to her parents asking.

"Ok first of all it is 'Dad and I' not 'Me and dad' and my parents said yes, I can go to the pool, I will be over around noon." She said.

"Ok cool." I said

"And we can talk about what happened over ice cream." She said.

"Ok, thanks. Love you like a sister!" 'Love you like a sister' has been our saying for as long as I can remember.

"Love you like a sister! Bye." And with that she hung up.

I felt a bit better after that and I was just about to fall asleep when dad knocked on the door.

"Come in" He came in and sat on the end of the bed.

"Hey, listen, I didn't mean to yell at you downstairs, and I am just a little out of it, will you forgive me?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sorry for yelling" I said feeling slightly awkward.

"Alright well I am going to go to bed, see you in the morning" he said.

"Hey dad, me and Leah are going to the pool tomorrow around noon, so do you think you could make her some lunch when she comes over?" I asked. Leah never eats before coming to my house because she loves my dads cooking!

"Yeah sure, Night love you." He said.

"love you to" I said.

And with that I fell slowly into sleep.

I woke up around ten, I packed my stuff for the pool and got ready. I was down stairs by 11am, dad had already made me brunch, and he was cooking Leah some fried chicken from last night, considering her obsession with meat.

As I ate I heard a car pull up in the drive way. I didn't think much of it. I figured it was our next door neighbor pulling in, so I kept on eating.

I heard the door open and turned to see a very tall, and strong man walk through the door. Fear over took me as he looked me straight in the eyes. This guy was bad. Very, very bad.

I watched as he came into our house, I saw dad grab something. I couldn't make out what it was. The man shifted his gaze from me to my dad.

He smirked as my dad stood between him and me.

And then the man spoke. His voice was deep, it struck fear into my soul. My stomach turned as I heard his words slide away from his lips.

"Daniel, long time no see. Still trying to protect The Experiment I see." His words confused me, but filled me full of fear.

He launched himself at my dad. He hit him with......with...I can't exactly tell. My dad fell to the ground. I tried to scream, but my actions took over, I ran and jumped on the man as he was trying to pick my dad up he struggled with me on his back.

"Oh shit!" I heard him say.

He grabbed me and yanked me off his back. I screamed as I hit the floor. I saw him as he left, his back was burned, but it wasn't there before I jumped on his back? I felt something wet behind my head. I brought my hand to my hair and brought it back to my face. Blood, my head was leaking blood. My vision went blurry, and then everything went black.

Leah's POV

I was riding my bike to my friend, Hannah Forge's house. We had planned to walk to the pool and spend the day there, so hopefully she is up and ready, because it was about a 30 min ride.

When I got her house I saw a black car pull up. I had never seen it before, which is saying a lot considering the fact that we are at each other's houses 24/7.

I saw a man come out, he was wearing a black suit, he looked about 6ft 6 or 7, and he was ripped! His muscles were huge, you could tell that with the right amount of speed, one swing of the arm would either kill me, or put me in the hospital.

The man saw me, and I froze. He looked straight into my eyes, and fear came over me. I could tell he was bad. I stood there afraid he would come at me, but then he started talking. He had an ear piece, and was talking to whoever was on the other line. I tried to move, but I couldn't, I was paralyzed by fear.

He walked into Hannah's house. How rude! He didn't even knock! Wait...... why would he go into Hannah's house? I started thinking that maybe he just works with her dad, but her dad works at home. I was just about to unfreeze and walk to Hannah's door when I heard a scream. It was Hannah.


Ok so this was my first chapter! Tell me what you think! See you in the next chapter!

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