041. 'the arguments that I've won against you in my head'

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"You must be insecure, you must be so unhappy

And I know, in my heart, hurt people hurt people"

        THERE WAS A LOT OF thing that baffled Dodie — hell, her own life baffled her. However, what she was most baffled about was the fact that she was, as of right now, dragging someone she held such a grudge for for so long.

Why, someone you might ask? Sure, Dodie knew that she could just let him fend for himself in the middle of the arena, surrounded by chaos, and frankly, maybe she just had too much of a big heart, so she brought him along. However, another answer to that might be: adrenaline.

Adrenaline was great.

But it was the most confusing thing that had ever been produced from their body, aside from the obvious. Dodie thought she loved adrenaline, considering it was the reason she was still running after almost getting killed — again. However, she was starting to doubt herself now.

As they dashed through the chaos, a voice disrupted her thoughts. It was Ethan Nakamura, his tone slightly uncertain as he called from behind her, stumbling at times. His voice grated on her nerves, dredging up irritation she thought she had left behind. "Dodie!

The turmoil within her heart was palpable. She was agitated, her emotions like a tempest churning within. The need to vent her frustration, to swing at something, even at him, was overpowering. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to abandon him. Perhaps, it was because she had such a big heart.

Ethan's voice persisted, "Since when do you run?"

Dodie clenched her teeth but chose to ignore him. As if sensing her detachment, his irritation grew more pronounced, and he tried to pursue the conversation. "Hey —"

However, Percy's voice interrupted, diverting their attention. "Where to?"

A sense of relief washed over Dodie as Percy inadvertently saved her from having to engage with Ethan. Her gratitude was unspoken.

"This way!" Rachel's voice cut through the cacophony, urging them onward.

Isn't it great being a demigod?

Annabeth's scepticism flared, and she challenged Rachel, "Why should we follow you? You led us straight into that death trap!"

Certain moments make it great anyway.

"She got Ariadne's sight, Annabeth!" Dodie told the blonde.

"I know," grumbled Annabeth. She didn't look all too happy about following anything Rachel said, but she ran along with the rest of them anyway.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now