Chapter 1

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I walk down a street not knowing it was the radio demons turf heck I didn't care for status at all *you'll see why later on in the story*
I continue to walk and a tall deer man attacked me
( leave me alone don't touch me)
she said as the deer tried to grab her
* you say Kicking him in the balls*
(W-what the blazes) Alastor says out loud as he drops to the floor
(that's what you get for trying to kill me stupid deer boy)
*Alastor looks up at her*
(my my that fucking hurt how rude your on my turf do you even know who I am?!?) *he say's while trying to grab you but you kick him in the balls again
*no I don't know who you are but I don't want to know anywho goodbye* you say while trying to walk away
*wait Alastor says*
*you look back at him quite pissed*
(what do you want she growls)
(what's your name )
*Alastor asks clearly sounding interested in you*
(Hah I ain't telling you shit)
*you say walking away*
but then a bunch of demons with weapons tried attacking you so you snapped your fingers and they turned to ashes*Alastor watches in pure bliss and amazement*
(well I think I need to know your name darling I won't let you leave until you tell)
*she sends him a sadistic smile*
( I am not telling you dimwit deer)
he looks at her with anger what did you just call me?!?*
(dimwit deer you fucking used tampon get your ears checked and stop fucking following me)
*you say kicking him again But missing by an inch*{ oh well he better catch the hint and fucking leave!, my powerful ass doesn't have time for this shit}
[you say in your head]
*you look at him casually*
(I'll kick your head in fucker stop following me)
*he looks amazed about you not being even the slightest bit afraid of him but amazement turns into anger as he try's to unfold your secrets and get you to talk about yourself*(Well darling I'd like to know more about the demon who was ever so brave as to even lay a finger on me)
*Alastor says smiling*
(I ain't telling you shit)
*you say clearly angry*
(I'll tell you my name but that's all the information your getting)
*you say in a causal tone*
(alright My name Is Thunder now stop following me and back off)
(Hah no! I want to know more then just your name Darling after that very strong power display back there with those demons you have me quite entertained I'd like to know more now please do tell before I decide to repay you for that strong kick you gave me)
*you look him dead in the eyes*
(so you want to fight a fellow Overlord ey?) *you say clearly dumb founded by the fact he thought you were just a regular demon*
(your an overlord?)
*Alastor says clearly confused*
(yeah I am an overlord sinners call me Shock wave and if you don't want to find out why I surely hope you will fuck off and know your place Mr Radio demon)
*you say with a growl*
*Alastor looks taken back by your words*
(now now Darling let's not get violent)
*Alastor says*
(Well If you don't want to fight me what do you want hm? I ain't fucking you so there)
*Alastor looks at you dumb founded but then blushes at the last sentences*
(no no Darling I don't want either how about I pick you up from your house tomorrow at 8:00 Am sharp to go out for breakfast and you can tell me about yourself I don't know much considering I don't watch those silly picture show boxes)
(sounds good to me goodbye)
*you say flying away with your wings you hid*

Alastor x Oc Reader (some edited grammar mistakes)Where stories live. Discover now