Old friend and catching up

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(What the blazes) *Alastor says clearly confused about how you randomly grew wings* *you fly back to your house and pass out waking up at 7:00 Am*

*You do your short hair with a cute bow that attached to one of your dragon horns you fluff up your furr you have around your neck and put on a simple white suit and you attach your crystals back on your horns you brush your teeth and take out your tail and bend your wings back then you make your horns and the crystals on your body glow a nice pale blue alongside your crystals you've attached back on your horns*
{I wonder how the Radio demon knew where I lived I mean I didn't tell him so how is he supposed to come get me not knowing where I live I mean I guess I'll just ask him if he shows up}
[you say in your head]
*You sit out front of your door and low and behold the Radio demon shows up*
(Hm Mr Radio demon I never did ask your name what is it?)
*you say wondering*
(It's Alastor pleasure to be seeing you again quite the pleasure)
*Alastor says still sounding like a radio*
(Well let me be clear Alastor I want to know how you knew where I lived when I didn't end up telling you last night)
*you say in a cold tone*
(well I have zero clue why your asking me that Knowing I can find anyone if I please)
*Alastor says with a radio like laugh*
(Well Alastor I guess that's fair enough but on the other hand you have me wondering what your intentions are I mean I upon disrespected you yesterday despite knowing who you were and you asked me on a date that's weird)
(I find it entertaining that you were not scared at all when talking to me last night you clearly knew who I was but didn't seem scared at all and continued to insult me with zero regret or regards to the fact I could kill you... it was so entertaining!)
*Alastor says in a clear tone*
(anywho sorry for rambling let's get going now shall we darling)
*Alastor says pulling you with him to a café*
*you order your favourite drink and breakfast food*
(So Thunder when did your horns have crystals?)
*Alastor says a bit confused about it*
(They have always had crystals I just attach them back on when I please)
*you say*
(Well that is very interesting Thunder)
*Alastor says with a radio static like laugh*
(yeah I mean kinda funny how you didn't realize I was an overlord despite being one yourself)
*you say with a little laugh*
*Alastor blushes at your laugh*
(well darling I don't watch those picture boxes so I suppose that may be why)
*Alastor says*
(well fair enough but you wanted to know more about me why?)
(Well Thunder your very interesting and entertaining thats why)
*Alastor says*
A bit of your Characters back story is coming up

(Okay well what do you want to know Mr Radio demon?)
*you say*
(well let's start with your life when you were Alive)
*Alastor says*
(Okay sure well I was a mass murder back in New Orleans and I met someone with the same hobby you kinda remind me of him he had the same name as you)
*you say*
(Really well what was your name when you were alive??)
(Oh It was Melody)
*you say*
*Alastor says with a shocked tone*
(W-What did you look like when you were alive?)
*Alastor says trying to calm down a bit with a sigh*
(Well I had a white sorta brown faded hair and blue eyes uhm And I used to wear a type of dress suit I had short hair and a back tattoo but that's really all of most I remember)
*you say*
(Well Melody it seems not even the after life can keep partners of crime apart haha)
*Alastor says with a cheery tone*
(Alastor oh my god I was looking everywhere to find you when I died haha!)
*you say confused*
(how did you die?)
*Alastor says*
(I died by getting shocked in a thunderstorm)
*you say*
(so why are you a dragon demon haha)
*Alastor asks*
(Oh because when I was alive they were my favourite mythical animal)
*you say*
(watch this)
*you say transforming into a small fluffy white dragon*
(What in the blazes...)
*Alastor says clearly confused*
To be continued sorry for such a short chapter I already had most of this written out but it probably sucks lol I actually wasn't planning on continuing the story that's why I didn't write more of it in my free time because I thought it was shit but I hope all you guys enjoy this crappy chapter lol I'll try to write better in the future when I make new fanfics BUT if anyone enjoys it comment that so I know that way I can continue it because if not I probably won't and I'll start other Fanfics!

Zel out~!
Total word count 857!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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Alastor x Oc Reader (some edited grammar mistakes)Where stories live. Discover now