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        (Narrators POV)      

It was a warm sunny day in the mid-2000s and Kylie West was sitting in her bedroom blasting Avril Lavigne, singing and dancing. Her parents knock on her bedroom door so she turns down the music and lets them in her room "Kyle we have enrolled you in a school nearby that your little friends Derby, Bif, Tad and Parker go to so you wont be alone in here doing nothing plus its a boarding school" Derek said with a bright smile on his face. Kylie simply rolled her eyes then turned her music up "honey you will love it there you will make a lot more friends and besides you cant hang around with boys that do boxing all the time can you dear?" Gillian explained. "Mom let me be who I am, if I want to hang out with boys and theres 2 girls i hang out with as well: Lola and Pinky they are my best friends so please leave me alone about my friends because if you even try say they are bad influences you're dead wrong" Kylie shouted. Kylie's parents walk out of her bedroom and kylie starts packing her bags "i cant wait to get out of this hellhole" kylie jumped up and down from happiness. "kyle hurry up we are going to be late"
Derek shouted.

(Kylie's POV)

I grabbed my bags then ran downstairs and out to the car, I stuffed my bags in the trunk. I got in the car then I started to feel nervous, My dad dropped me off in front of the school, "I'll see you on christmas honey try not get suspended until then. I love you lots Kyle and I will miss you but I will see you in december" my dad cried. "I love you too dad" i started tearing up as i hugged him. I got out the car, grabbed my bags and a tall brunette lady came to the gates. "You must be Kylie West young lady, I'm Miss Danvers and I'm showing you to the main office then we will get someone to take you to your dorm" Miss Danvers moaned. I drew the woman a dirty look and followed her to the office, I walked in the principals office and sniffed the air god it smelled horrible. "miss west come in and sit down" Dr Crabblesnitch says smiling. I already hated this school on the way to the main building girls were giving me dirty looks and i am assuming they are cheerleaders because their uniform was different from everyone else's. "welcome to bullworth academy miss West I hope you will fit right in but it appears here you don't have a criminal record which is good I want it to stay that way" Dr Crabblesnitch continues on. "I'll fit in perfectly fine sir dont you worry one bit I already have friends that go here" I said bluntly. A tall girl with ginger hair shows up, "I was told to come to the office to show the new girl about" the girl squeals. "my name isnt new girl its Kylie and your voice is really annoying tone it down a bit darling" I said with a more blunt tone. I stood up, grabbed my bags and the girl took me to my dorm, "you don't have any roommates which is lucky I need to share with the most popular girl in this school" the girl squeals again. "If you dont stop squealing so help me god i will rip out your voice box and feed it to a cat" I snapped. The girl runs away and i start to unpack my bags then a girl with a blue cheerleading dress walks in "so new girl are you interested in cheering with us I mean you are really pretty and stuff and your Dutch braids look so cute" she giggled. "No, thanks for the offer though I'm more of a boxer" I said while i pulled out my boxing outfit and gloves. She huffs and walks away, well that was weird I thought to myself. When I finished unpacking I took a wander around campus to see if i could find Derby and others, I came across these guys that look stuck in the fifties "excuse me chaps have you seen a boy called Derby Harrington by any chance. I decided to take a wander to see if I could find but but I have looked everywhere but I cannot find him anywhere!" i said nervously. "I'll take you to him he's always in Harrington House" a boy chuckled. The boy took me to Harrington House "I didn't quite catch your name" he smirks. "Kylie, Kylie West what about yourself" I replied.
"Johnny Vincent at your service darling" He shaked my hand and walks away. I walk in Harrington House and saw Pinky so I ran up to her as fast as i could and hugged her. "OMG EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE KYLE IS HERE!!!" she screams. Everyone came downstairs and I hugged them all, "I just can't believe you're here little cousin" Justin smiles. It feels great to be reunited with my friends and family, I say friends they are all like brothers to me and Pinky is like a sister to me I feel like I haven't seen anyone in a while even though it has only been 4 days. "omg sweetie we need to take you to get a makeover you look so rough am I right boys" Pinkie shouts. "nah she always looks gorgeous no matter what" Derby mumbles. I'm sorry am I going deaf or something did Derby Harrington just give me a compliment it is really rare that Derby gives anyone a compliment even his best friend Bif but am I actually going deaf or what. Pinky grabbed my hand and dragged me to her house, she runs upstairs so i follow her. "sit down and it will be all over soon" she says pulling out hair straighteners and a makeup bag. She straightened my hair and it looked really thin but i cannot complain because pinky is good at stuff like cosmetology, she does my makeup and then pulls out a bag filled with nail polish. "I think I should paint your nails red to be honest red is just your colour, it suits you so much and you would look even more beautiful" Pinky said with a delightful tone. I nod my head and she proceeds to paint my nails.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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