Chapter 4

20 2 4

Aubrey Evans

After today's embarrassing incident, and that moment I shared with Connor, I was more than ready to go back home.
As I stroll out of the school building, I'm met with an aggressive hair ruffle and 3 dudes chuckling at me.
Glaring at Ryan and Connor, I secretly nudge Kyle, 'Does it look like I wanna walk home with your two child-like friends?'
'Does it look like they can cause any harm?' He raises his eyebrows.
'Maybe not physically, but definitely mentally, they literally talk so much!' I whine
'Well deal with it, little munchkin' He coos.

' I told you not to call me that, Kyle!' I yell, chasing him down the narrow street.
Kyle, having longer legs and being faster, instantly holds a huge distance between us, but me, being the determined girl I am, decides to keep running after him.
He grins and turns into a nearby alley, leaving me no other option but to follow him.
What I wasn't expecting, was the huge amounts of broken glass everywhere and the overtaking smell of cigarettes.
I immediately end up tripping over a glass bottle, most likely some druggies, and fall straight on the floor. Talk about the luck I'm having today...

I notice the blood gushing out of my knees and palms, after being punctured with tiny shards of glass, and shudder after hearing an intense echo. Welp, I hadn't realised the scream I let out, but it was now echoing!

Kyle hadn't seem to realise that I stop chasing him and I was on the floor, but Ryan and Connor had- just what I needed!

'Oh my lord, are you alright Aubrey?' Connor was now knelt down beside me, scanning my injuries,
'She's perfectly fine dude, why you worrying so much,' Ryan scoffed
'Fyi, 'dude' I'm not fine. Geez! How does Naomi fancy an ignorant butthole like you!' I let out.

'Nah, Naomi does not fancy me, all she ever does is attempt to insult me, which she fails miserably by the way,' he winks.
This dude just winked at me.
Isn't that technically him cheating on Naomi?

Anyways, it took Kyle a good 5 working days to realise that I wasn't behind him, because he was now towering in front of me, staring at my soul.
False alarm! Not my soul, more like my injuries.
'What the fuck happened to you!' He yells, now the third person to be kneeling beside me.

God I'm so uncomfortable.

'Not what the duck, you mean who the duck. Anyways, that duck was you because your the stupid beach that decided to rock into an alleyway to try and run away from your sister, who you know wouldn't have been able to catch up to you anyways!' I chimed.

'Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you not to use weird alternatives to curse words, Aubs! Just fucking say the word or don't.'
'Umm how about no. And how about you help me by giving me a picky-back ride home since you were the one that put this unholy curse on me!' I smiled.

I heard a snicker, and turned to see Ryan, who had failed to cover it as a cough. Twisting my head 45 degrees more, I came face-to-face with Connor's chocolate, brown eyes but he quickly broke the eye contact.
I frowned at his action but decided to ignore it.

'Well? Are you gonna hop on or not? We need to get home quick if you don't wanna die from blood loss!' Kyle toned.

'Don't be ridiculous! I'm not dying anytime soon and even if I do, I'll haunt you till the day you die Kyle! And you, Ryan!' I taunt, pointing between the two imbeciles.
'Yeah yeah, we all know you'd never do any harm to Connor cuz your in love with him. I can see your heart eyes towards him from here.' Ryan scoffs, yet once again...
'SHUT UP RYAN! And do you have anything other than scoffing to do?'
'It's alright, he's in love with you too, and no'
As soon as that left his mouth, Connor slapped him so hard, I'm surprised he didn't go flying.
But it didn't end there.
Kyle sent a huge smack towards Connor's back, which he landed perfectly, giving his unmistakable aim.
'The fuck was that for!' Connor yelled
'You better not be in love with my sister, I'll fucking kill you Connor!' Kyle's jaw was as clenched as a clam.

Well, there goes any chance of me and Connor ever being together!

Wait what? OML shut up Aubrey.

'Aubrey, I swear to god, if you don't get on my back within the next two seconds, I'll leave you here. With these two fuckers. So get on' My oh-so-big-bad-wolf of a brother guts.
And with that, I'm scraped off the floor and onto a hard back.
This journey back home was gonna be hell.



Hey guysss, another chapter for y'all! Hope you enjoyed bcuz the last chapter was a bit short...

Anyways I plopped in a bit of humour so y'all can acc enjoy the book.

Sorry if it's still boring, my writing sucks but it'll get better, giving his the plot will thicken so please keep reading!

Word count: 889

Love y'all! ❤️❤️

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