I can't

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Cerise's POV
I had to tell Clawd. I don't date people. The first boy I dated was named Jackson Jeckel. He used to go to EAH by he got transferred. The only guy that I will ever date as in now, would be Jackson if I saw him again. I saw Clawd walking to his locker. "Clawd, I have something to tell you." I said. Clawd leaned in for a kiss but I pushed him away. "I don't date people!" I said. "Ok then, um..." Clawd was sad. "Clawd, I don't mind if we are friends. But nothing more. You belong with Draculara. Go get her back bud!" I said happily. He smiled and went to find Draculara. I smiled. I was walking to my locker when I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I said. "It's ok." He said. "Jackson?" I said. "Cerise!" Jackson said. We kissed. Clawd was furious. "Cerise!!! You said you don't date people!!!! And you were dating Jackson!!!" Clawd exclaimed.

To be continued.....

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