Chapter 4: Met The Other Her in Ruberios

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Somewhere at Ruberios

Rimuru POV

After I killed that demon Then I start flying to Ruberios But I still don't understand why am I crying after seeing that girl name Shizu

But I still Remember when Hinata Leave and said she need to go help someone that me Chloe and Hinata that we really care and love about

I think that girl might be the one since she wearing that mask that Chloe used to wear, since that out of the way I start to reach there and teleport to where Luminous is

But I'm regret doing that when I teleport in the room I start seeing Luminous on bed masturbating herself

Luminous:"ahh Chloe~ Hinata~ Rimu-!"before she could finish she noticed me in the room and look up at me

Luminous:"Ri-Rimuru this is not what you think"she said and use blanket cover her body

Rimuru:"is it just me or did I just heard my name in there as well"

Luminous:"no that is not-"before she could finish her words I cut her off

Rimuru:"I'm just going to pretend I did not see or hear that but anyway can I stay in Ruberios for a while?"I said and she start using magic to put clothes on herself and said

Luminous:"I don't mind You can stay here as long as you want"she said and look down try to hide her red face from me but I can see her ear turn red as well

Rimuru:"Thanks and if you need anything just call me and I will help you"I said and walk out from the room and forget The thing that happened

After a few years staying in Ruberios I start to notice a lot thing had change A lot of people start to move here and expand this empire

There's a lot of people want to join being a knight to help other in need and a lot of people start go to church and pray for God Ruminas AKA Luminous

But it's kind of funny though a God True identity is a demon lord and there also a knight call them self 10 great sage and proclaim themselves as strong as the demon lord

And I start to analyze them and see they are not strong as they say but there was one girl that can call herself strong like the demon lord but only at demon lord seed level

And her name is Hinata and it's the same name the Hinata that I know So I realize she is the Hinata in this Timeline

So I decide to observe her everyday By concealing my presence and start exploring the world and I also even travel to Earth that Chloe Talk about and try to find the other me just to find out he is not exist in this timeline and I start to see a lot entertainment rule and law in this world so I decide to stay in this world for a few years

So after that I travel back to the Cardinal world and go back to Ruberios

And a few day have passed me and Luminous start drinking tea and eat cake that I learn from Earth

Luminous:"it's really delicious can you make more"she said and gave me the plate

Rimuru:"Sure"I said and take the plate from her hand and get a new plate with cake on it and gave to her

Luminous:"hehehe as long as you here I will always got to eat something like this"

Rimuru:"don't say that I am not planning on staying here forever"After I said that Gunther rushing in the room and kneel down said

Gunther:"lady Luminous there is intruders start to invade to this room"

Luminous:"and who dare trying to invade us here?"

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