Next Door (Original Slice of Life)

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Individual roleplay with Virginia814972

Summary: Tala Sharaf grew up in Jersey City to two strict Jordanian parents. She was an only child and received a lot of pressure from her parents to become a doctor, pharmacist, or engineer. When she decided that she wanted to become a teacher, her parents were not pleased at all. It took awhile before they agreed to help her, but they were elated when she received a scholarship to Princeton University in New Jersey. In her sophomore year, she her husband, who happened to also be Muslim and had a friend who knew her parents.
  Tala graduated four years later with a degree in Middle School Education and taught for two years before getting married and continuing to teach. She now lives with her husband in Jersey City. The catch is that her parents-in-law live right next door, and her own parents might be coming for a visit soon. And she might be pregnant.

Roleplayer/Author's Note: We can begin in the comments! I will create two chains. One where we can comment and plot, and another where we can roleplay! :)

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