004. Entry Four

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hey y'all

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hey y'all....

it's been a bit 😁,,, um randomly i just got a burst of inspiration in writing and graphics so for that weekend i went crazy and wrote a bunch, created a bunch of drafts, and made a bunch of covers. let's not say i'm back per se but i'm definitely something. so just enjoy these snippets of activity 😁😁.

1. new covers for published stories.

idk just one day i was so bothered by my old covers

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idk just one day i was so bothered by my old covers. they were cute but i had outgrown them. i didn't expect to get covers THIS good and covers i was THIS happy with. especially circa unknown which i've never had the most inspiration with but i genuinely surprised myself. the color palette and how well it matches too is just so satisfying. even antidote which is simpler than the others, but i still love it in spite and because of that. 

- inspired by @bayports for the cover comic obvii

2. jjk fics

look,,, i'm no better than the next girl

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look,,, i'm no better than the next girl. and with all those tiktoks i see of jjk sad and hot i cannot find it in myself to fight the urge to watch jjk. i watched a lil bit but its on CRUNCHY ROLL WHICH REQUIRES LIKE 4 ADDS EVERY EP. i am not an ad girly. i simply am not. but whateva.

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