Chapter 1

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"This was their first song they released as a band."

"Just skip that guy." Emmett laughed.

"Was that Jack doing the skateboard trick?" Charlie asked.

"Yes it was."

"Well, that was a unique video." Alice said.

"Songs catchy too." Jasper said.

Bella just stared at her brother in the video.

"This video is a little chaotic." Edward said.

"But the songs catchy." Emmett said.

"Wow. I assume that boy dropped out of highschool." Charlie said.

"Yes. Zach dropped out."

"Weirdest game ever, but okay." Charlie said.

"They look like good friends." Charlie said.

"He's so care free with them." Bella muttered.

"They're like his brothers."

"He's so good with her." Bella smiles.

"Is that my cousin?" Renesme asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." Edward said.

"Her laugh is adorable." Esme smiled.

"I'm sorry, you were jumping on the bed. And your brother hit his head because he went flying?" Charlie asked Bella.

Bella just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm surprised it wasn't you that cracked your head open." Edward said.

Bella looked at Edward with a deadpan look that sent everyone into laughter.

Siblings • Cullen's React - Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now