Eddie Munson: headconons

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in no way lackluster or boring, no, that's not it. his love is simple in the way that you can find comfort in it, in his presence. there's no drama, no fighting, no lack of trust. he loves fully and truly. eddie is hyper,

that's true... he's all loud voices and jump scares and falling to the ground to make a point, over the top love confessions in the middle of the street even years into dating you. your eddie uses posh words and he kneels before you and he kisses the back of your hand,

he bows to you all the time. there's no fancy dates, the ones where money is a concern, and that's how you two like it. your love is movie nights, weekend sleepovers, reading in his bed wearing his shirt while he sits shirtless on the floor writing songs.

it's early morning breakfast with wayne, late afternoon naps, stargazing sharing a joint. it's kisses on cheeks at random, it's hanging out with your friends, it's cinema dates and picnics and concerts. playing video games together and trying to make the other lose by covering their eyes or,

in your case, pulling your shirt up to flash him. that's your one move that's always proved to be a winner- his jaw drops and his cheeks turn pink and he definitely loses the game, but if you ask him seeing your boobs is a win anyway.

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