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A twenty-two year old man walked along the supermarket absent mindedly placing Halloween decorations in his shopping cart humming along to whatever cheesy love song was playing through the speakers it was mostly something his wife had played around the house

James felt a giddy smile drift onto his face he'd been married to Monica Anders for a few months a few AMAZING months he fiddled with his wedding ring something he did when he thought of Monica

He quickly dodged the pumpkin section he couldn't be dealing with that right now not when he was walking on sunshine at the thought of going home to a movie night with his Monica

"OMG JAMS???? JAMS IT'S YOU" A overly energetic voice called out

James turned around and was forcefully pulled into the tight hug of a medium heighted female, his nose filled with the smell of cinnamon pie, his eyes scratched against  a white jumper and his ears couldn't hear anything over then excited talking and the sounds of a shopping cart being pushed over

He knew who was hugging him

"Ads hey how've you been?" The Spanish man asked his old friend

"Oh ya know same old same old" Adhira waved her hand in front of her face 

"Ads why'd you run off- JAMS" Another smaller female projectile threw herself into a hug with him

"Hey Aria" James hugged back

"It's so good to see you again" Aria smiled as she pulled away from the hug

"Yeah you to" 

"Hey Jams did you and Monica like the surprise??" 

"uhh What Surprise?? also when did you guys get back from your cruise??" He questioned eyeing the massive mountain of snacks in the two females shopping cart

"We came back yesterday didn't Nadia phone? she was meant to tell ya'll the surprise" Adhira questioned slightly miffed 

James took a moment to think his mind drifting to the dark eyed woman in question and her weird mentorish friendship with his wife

"Nope she definitely didn't"

"That No Good basketball playing son of a bitch" Adhira grumbled as she pulled her mobile phone out to call her long term partner

"I feels bad for Dia she's really gonna get it now"

"I think you and ads will too looking at that cart"

"Hey our house is located in the middle of two TWO prime trick or treating zones" Aria defended "We've got to be prepared"

James smiled he was glad he had such amazing friends

"So are you and Mon still having your Halloween party" Adhira spun around apparently her brain wouldn't let her focus on the dial tone

"I'm assuming so or me risking seeing a pumpkin to get snacks was completely useless"

"Good cause then I can punish Nadia by not letting her match with me and Aria this time costume wise"

"Oh the horror" James sarcastically said it was no secret Nadia wasn't the biggest fan of the costumes (mainly cause she usually got the bad ones)

"Joke all you want Jams but she'll be disappointed I know she will be especially when I was gonna give her a great costume this year"

"Really?" Aria questioned confused

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