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Monica leaned against the toilet breathing heavily her heart pounded in her chest as if about to break free of her body

Her tears stung her eyes like tiny daggers digging into the soft teary brown 

The smell made her stomach churn as if she was about to vomit once more

Monica pushed herself away from the toilet seat and off the floor reaching wildly for her toothbrush and toothpaste desperate to ride her mouth of the horrifying taste

She figured she was vomiting form a tummy bug

Valentina (her sister in law) had also had a tummy bug that week and they'd had coffee on Wednesday which is also when she started feeling sick so it all made sense

Monica lavered the brush in paste and brushed her teeth, then repeated those steps again and again and again and again and again and again and

She must've brushed her teeth about fifty (if not more) times before the phone rang and she had to answer it



"Oh - Wow Nadia hey"

"How are you?"


"Shittt No visiting then hehe"

Monica sigh laughed glad to hear from her best friend

"So the cruise how was it?"

"I'm poor again"



Monica felt her stomach plunge once more and another round of thick bile make it's slow journey up her throat

She swallowed and shivered

Monica felt like a baby a fully grown adult woman afraid of Vomit and not even vomit in general only HER vomiting

Monica felt like a baby by the fact she was wishing James was home when he was shopping for her!

But if James was home he'd hug her and tell her she's brave while helping her to bed and she really needed that

"Monica? Monica are you still there? did I get cut off??" Nadia's tone was confused

Monica swallowed she couldn't let Nadia know about this cause that would mean a rush and panic from her. Nadia was jetlagged tired and stressed Monica didn't want to stress her out anymore

"Yeah yeah sorry got distracted" She wiped the sweat from her brow and steadied her breathing 

"Ok well - ah shitz" 

"what? what happened" 

"I was meant to call you yesterday but forgot I think Adhira just found out she called me on the mobile"

"OOOOOOO" Monica giggled childishly

"That's mean Monica"

"Sorry" Monica still laughed evilly

"Well I better go I listened to the voicemail it sounds ..... BAD"

"Alright bye" 

as soon as the phone was back on its small holding station Monica darted back into the bathroom to resume brushing her teeth

She scrubbed and scrubbed

Monica felt so stupid vomit never bothered her hell she was working towards being a doctor at that very moment 

and yet if it came out of her body she felt like crying and dying all at once

She spat the tooth paste out and inspected her mouth

Squeaky clean with a chance of blood in the next 10 minutes


The door unlocked a load of shopping was placed on the ground

Monica left the bathroom and peeped around the corner of living room to stare at the front door

James arched an eyebrow at her, She moved to plant her hands on the wall and lean against them with a devilishly sweet smile

"Oh you think your funny"

"Noooo I know I'm hilarious" Monica giggled

James walked closer smirking


She looked up at him screwing her nose up while smiling

"A pumpkin in the trunk Mon I almost dropped the shopping" The low tone he'd been using shifted to his normal one the smirk into a small smile as he cupped her cheek affectionately

Monica couldn't control the wheezing honk laugh that erupted from her throat she couldn't contain it

"I should've known this was the reaction" James sent her such a loving smile while he gently stroked his cheek

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead then her cheeks then he hovered over her lips

"What's wrong?" He murmured 

He knew her so well

"I felt sick again" She admitted

"Oh Mon" James hugged her tightly

Monica buried her face in between his leather jacket and chest. In the little crook she was surrounded by James and only James. She was safe there. He smelt of leather and mint and was very much the only place she felt safe in at that moment. Wrapped up in his arms her heart rate calmed

"You'll be ok" James whispered comfortingly before pecking her lips 

Monica leaned up, kissing him fiercely his arms draped around her waist hers gripped his hair in a comfortable way

Monica enjoyed these moments fiercely sweet kisses in the hallways she looked up at his eyes beautiful pools of greeny blue staring at her with pure love

"Did you buy my ice-cream?"

"It's melting as we speak"

Monica smiled widely and the young couple began picking the shopping up and moving it around James had turned on some 80s rock tunes mixed with occasional love song, The two began putting decorations in one box, food away, household appliances where they belong

"Are we decoration tomorrow?" James questioned as he moved a fake skeleton into a tub

"Yeah and then they day after I'm having your sister over"

"Which one?"



Monica carried some medication to the medicine cabinet and ice cream to the freezer

"How do you think we should decorate tomorrow hella scary or kid friendly or mixed" James waved a small lollypop and fake blood in the air

"Mixed we bought so much candy we need kids to stop by" 

"Some kids like hella scary"

"Name one" Monica laughed

"I bet you if we ever have a kid he'll love hella scary"

Monica laughed loudly but her mind drifted to what he'd said

If we ever had a kid

Why did that sound so appealing?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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