042. 'look out to the future, but it tells you nothing'

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"Your hands protect the flames

From the wild winds around you"

         "FOR THE LAST TIME, I do not like surprises. You better tell me where we're going, Ethan!" The summer night was inherently cold in this part of the world. It was irony in its finest glory as the moon bore witness to the night realm, all the while a little girl bearing hair so long began tracking up the dirt path into the woods of Camp Half-Blood.

"You've got to trust me, Dods," grinned the boy, who led her the way into the wood. It was scary to be in during the night, especially when you're weaponless. "I need to tell you it somewhere no one would hear us,"

Dodie's grip on his hand tightened as she shivered, both from the chill in the air and the eerie surroundings. The moonlight painted peculiar shadows among the trees, and the rustling leaves and distant sounds of the night creatures made her heart race.

"But why all the secrecy?" she inquired, her voice barely above a whisper, as if the forest itself demanded hushed tones. "Is it that big of a deal?"

"It's the mother of all surprises, Dods. Trust me, you're going to love this one." Ethan said with such certainty that it excited her.

The darkness of the woods surrounded them, and each step they took seemed to transport them further into an enchanted realm.

As they continued their journey into the woods, Dodie's curiosity grew with each step. Her earlier trepidation had not vanished, but the allure of Ethan's surprise kept her moving forward.

"Okay, Dods," Ethan said, slowing his pace and glancing around as if they were about to reveal a secret. "This is the perfect spot. It's so secret even the nymphs can't hear about it."

Dodie raised an eyebrow, "How are you so sure that the nymphs wouldn't hear about it?"

"Because it's night time and they're all asleep," he said, as his mischievous grin remained unyielding.

"You're stupid," Dodie said instantly. "What if we get ourselves killed?"

Dodie D'Amour had no qualms with the dark. However, when it came about the darkness in the woods where she could be killed... well, there she had a few complaints.

"All the better!" he smiled widely. "As long as we get killed together. Now, come on!" he pulled her with him before she got to say anything. "I've been dying to tell you this!"

"All right! Fine! Fine!" said Dodie with a small smile of intrigue dancing in her eyes. "You've got my full attention. What's this big surprise of yours, Nakamura?"

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now