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Betrayal coursed through me like the deadliest poison. They had cast me aside, leaving me in the dust when a son of Zeus arrived on the scene. He took away everything I had and could've had. I was left with nothing while he got to lead a normal life with his family, all during a time when he should've been the child of the prophecy. Yet, they discarded me, branding me as un-loyal. I bore the weight of thousands of deaths, all on my hands, because I wasn't good enough for them, or so they said.

And the final blow - he got Annabeth to betray me by being with him. The gods even cursed me with the Curse of Heroes, sealing my voice in silence, making me endure heartbreak after heartbreak until my emotions ran dry. The tears I had once shed had long turned into dust.

It was then that I adopted many aliases to conceal my true identity. "Percival" was the name I bore, a name that seemed fitting for someone destined to suffer. I also went by "Eclipse" and "Maelstorm" (Yes, I am aware it is actually "Maelstrom"), each alias reflecting a different facet of my existence, one marked by darkness and turmoil.

But there was one name that described me perfectly, a name I could not escape: "Aischune." It meant "shame" or "dishonor," and it weighed heavily on my soul. It was a constant reminder of the burden I had carried, a label etched like a mark on stone onto my very being.

I never wanted to see the gods again, but Destiny is cruel. I was destined to help planet after planet, and sadly, that included Earth.

The memories of my past were a haunting cacophony, echoing through the corridors of my mind. I remembered the days when I was Percy Jackson, the hero who had thwarted countless threats to both Olympus and the mortal world. I had faced Titans, monsters, and even gods themselves, and I had always emerged victorious.

But then came the day when it all crumbled. It started when a new demigod arrived at Camp Half-Blood. He was charismatic, powerful, and the son of Zeus. My fellow demigods hailed him as the next great hero, and the gods themselves seemed to favor him. He had a normal life, something I could only dream of.

The prophecy that had once seemed destined for me now hung over his head. The gods and camp counselors praised him as if I had never existed, as if my years of loyal service and countless battles had meant nothing.

The bitterness that welled up inside me was hard to ignore. They said I was un-loyal, that I couldn't be trusted. They blamed me for the failures and the deaths, even though I had given everything to protect them. But the truth was, I had always been loyal. I had always been ready to sacrifice everything for their sake.

The final blow came when I discovered that he had won not only their favor but also Annabeth's heart. She had been my rock, my love, and my confidante. She had shared in my triumphs and consoled me in my defeats. And now, she had chosen him.

I had confronted her, anger and betrayal surging through my veins. "How could you do this to me, Annabeth?" I had demanded, my voice filled with pain.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes but remained silent. It was then that I realized that it was not entirely her choice. The gods had their hand in this as well, meddling in the affairs of demigods as they always did.

The gods were not content with cursing me alone. They laid a heavy burden on my shoulders, one that would continue to weigh me down for eternity. They called it the Curse of Heroes. It was a cruel twist of fate, a punishment for my perceived disloyalty.

The curse manifested as a minor seal of silence. It was a shroud that stifled my voice, leaving me unable to speak my thoughts or feelings. It was a punishment designed to isolate me, to ensure that I could never again forge the bonds that had once been my strength.

I watched helplessly as Annabeth drifted further away, her heart now belonging to another. The pain of that loss was excruciating, but it was only the beginning of my torment.

The Curse of Heroes came with a cruel twist. It bound me to a destiny of heartbreak, ensuring that I would experience loss after loss, each one more painful than the last. The gods had condemned me to a lifetime of suffering, and there was no escape.

I withdrew from the world, seeking solace in solitude. The gods had taken my voice, but they could not take my determination. I honed my skills and became a master of silence, using my actions to speak for me.

The memories of my past as Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus, became a distant echo. I roamed the world, adopting new names and new identities, but I could never escape the shame that followed me like a shadow.

My path was a solitary one, and my heart had grown cold and hardened. I had become an assassin shrouded in the shadows, a protector of those who could not protect themselves.

But even in my isolation, the gods continued to seek me out. They came to me with their petty wars and their pleas for help. They begged me to intervene, to be their hero once again.

I refused. I had no desire to be their pawn any longer. In response, they banished me, casting me into the depths of hell itself. I had seen Tartarus unveiled, and it had seen me.

I was no longer Percy Jackson. I was a man burdened by shame and dishonor, cursed to endure a lifetime of heartbreak. I had become Percival, Eclipse, Maelstrom, and Aischune.

I had no desire to see the gods again, but Destiny had other plans. I was destined to help planet after planet, and Earth was just one more stop on my never-ending journey.


Me: That felt good, anyways, PERCY! DO THE DISCLAIMER!

Percy: ...

Me: I have blue cookies!

Percy: All characters except for those created by the author belong to Rick Riordan, rights also go to the owners of any other franchises mentioned, however the plot also belongs to the author

Me: *Throws blue cookies into Tartarus*

Percy: Welp, it isn't the first time, WAKANDA FOREVER *Jumps after cookies*)

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