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This part contain some more bad words so if you are okay with it than only read. I don't want to disrespect any idol. The story is only like that. Thank you!

Previous part:-
The moment call ended Jin and Joon heard a loud voice



Jin and Joon hurriedly went upstairs. They entered in Tae room and what they saw left them speechless.
They saw Jimin and Kook fighting with each other. Kook was on floor on his back and Jimin on top of him and Jhope was struggling to free them from each other. He was about to punch kook but his hand got stopped by Joon. Joon held Jimin hands and made him leave kook.
Kook also got up by his own. Jin gave both of them water and made them calm. But still both best friends were looking at each other with glares, throwing daggers at each other.

Jin: What you both were doing huh! What is this behaviour Jimin? (Sternly)
Jimin: Hyung you don't know what this brat said. (angrily)
Jin: What he said? Tae you tell bear what happened (softly)
Tae: Actually hyung...

Kook and Tae were watching movie in Tae phone.
That's when they heard a knock.

Tae: come in!
The person came in and see both of them.
Tae: Oh! Jimin Hyung. You came ( hug jimin )
Jimin hug him back and ruffled his hairs.
Jimin: How are you bear?
Tae: I am fine ( boxy smile)
Jimin: And how are you kook?
Kook: How can I be fine when I am living with a killer itself.( Sarcastically)
Jimin: Kook! BEHAVE! HE IS YOUR HYUNG (shout)
Tae: Hyung let it be. ( teary eyes)
Tae is so sensitive. He gets scared when his hyungs raise voice.
Jimin calm him down after seeing his baby's face
Jimin: Kook where is Suga hyung? He still didn't came from office? (softly)
Kook: How can I know where he is?
Must be fucking around being a slut. And making someone else's life also hell. (angrily)
The moment kook said this Jimin gave him a hard slap and he ( kook)
landed on floor with a loud voice.
Flashback ends__

There was a pin drop silence for sometime. Any of them never thought that kook can say things like this. Even if he said in anger but still these words are not ignorable.

After sometime Jin spoke
Jin: Everyone go downstairs. I want to have a talk with Jungkook. ( Stern)
No - one dared to utter a word and left from there. Joon and Jhope take Jimin forcefully with them as he was not ready to come.

Now Jin and kook are alone in Tae room. Jin broke the silence and asked kook
Jin: Why you hate Suga?
Kook: Hyung how can you ask this question when you know everything.
Jin: But still I want to know tell me. (calmly)
Kook: He kill my appa hyung. Because of him eomma leave me. Do you think the person who made my life hell I can respect him. No never ( angrily)
Jin: If he wants to make your life hell then why is he taking your responsibility.
Kook: Huh!
Jin: Why is he working this hard to earn money for your University fees, for your expenses, for your wishes, for your necessities, for your food. Why? If he wanted to make your life hell then he would have thrown you out of the house to rot on streets, tell me why he didn't did that?

Kook was now speechless. Whatever Jin said was 100% right.

Jin: Come downstairs for dinner. ( he left)
Jin's words were roaming in his mind. He goes to washroom and wash his face. After that he goes downstairs and sat on couch in living room.

In living room

In living room

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