Da devils mama

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soooo we start in the villagé but outside the villagé. there they stand a none and de devil. the porpusse of se deviel is to protact the brücke to god, cuz god böse. (close-up of se brücke)

backstorry: diable was 🤞 mit the einwohner der villagés. they were so good, they had 👉👈 all the time. (gay sex is the best sex)

soooo anyways one day, a normal day, a day where the diable is. si. a day where he is sitting on his rock. si. watching robert, the bridge, like always. the none suddenly did motieren into an angel. si. throwing a rock at him not as always. si. crushing him unter it and kicking him into a hole in the boden. si. the fingers of the diable died. si.

everynight you have a dream about his beautiful hand grabing your dick, if you are a woman, you still get a dick. and after the hand finished its busyness a man approaches you floating in your hæd surrounded by hands and a big ass shªdow. if you have the dream of this man you realize it is da none. she actually transfirmed herself into a man, because she is a transformer and she regrets her decisions.

so now we need a hero: thats when we found femboy goat leon.

femboy goat leon who actually is a dog and a taube decides to rechen the diable and starts jumping onto brücken. he reaches the first devil head and cumes into his mouth moving forward to the next devil head but this one was a trapppp, oh noooo. femboy goat leon got TP'ed into a blue world with a blue pathway and blue tentacles monsters starring at him. boldly he crosses the blue pathway and reaches the real devil head but it is da god.

Da God zwinkert at femboy goat leon to seduce femboy goat leon👌. god talkes:" come here lil' goatie, i wont harm you sweetheart" (zwinker zwinker anfall) but femboy goat leon doesnt beeleave (🐝🫷) him 😱. so femboy goat leon jumpes of the bridge onto the rocks and über da god leaving da god mit anfall zwinkernd zurück. da god doesnt like to be rejected thats why he stands up 🕴 his whole body zwinkernd and turns around to femboy goat leon.
they fight!!!!!!🥸🤜🤛👊
femboy goat leon kicks femboy goat leon's nuts and he falls down...

...femboy goat leon wins 🥳🤏🦾🧠🦴🤳👀🦶

so anyways the last dream of the diables hand and the dude none ended with the dude none turning into da diable without da fäce🤙. flying away like a rocket into the ass of femboy goat leon who schmeißt sein head nach hinten and moans loudly UwU


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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