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I finished writing this sooner than I imagined ngl

The image up top is my interpretation of (Y/N)- and if it looks weird, its cuz the side of her head is shaved, like mine! skajjdkhahsg dont mind the inconsistency 💀

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

Your head snapped upward to the source of the voice, only to find your very annoyed group leader. Your eyes darted nervously between her and the big chalkboard behind her.

You swore you saw her eye twitch, and she started to shout at you, "are you serious right now, (Y/N)? We need to find a way to beat the Pitch Slaps, and you're over here dozing off?!"

Each word that came from her mouth only started to make you angry since you, had in fact, been very tired this morning. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and giving her a deadpan look. "Look, I'm sorry Heather, but I was up late last night taking care of some work I had to cover- could you give me a break?"

Uh oh. Bad move: A valid excuse.

"Ohh! No no, I understand- just because you're too lazy to take care of your own things earlier in the day doesn't mean you get to slack off in this class! This is serious- how hard is it to stay awake?! I mean really, I don't even give you that much work, it's not that hard and you're clearly going to fall behind."

Gritting your teeth, you sat up in your chair and squinted your eyes at her. "Gee, I'm sorry that I can't do an hour of cardio, an hour of choreography and singing AND my work- let alone have a personal life, heaven forbid I have anything going on outside of this class," you huffed, sharing a quick glance with two of your only friends in this class, to which, one was waving their hand beside their neck in a 'cut it out' motion, and the other gave a big ol' thumbs up. With another breath, you spat once more. "I don't think this class is supposed to give a required two to three hours of homework anyway, you're just drilling us!"

The raven haired girl you snapped at leaned backward a little, before her face become one of incomparable rage, and started practically barking at you, "how dare you critique the way I teach you and your peers when you know damn well that you can barely keep up with the choreography-"

"moves are complicated," you cut in.

"-you're always late-"

"bad nights." Not really true, you just always dreaded this class and tried to do anything in your power to skip some time,

"-you're singing sounds like it's days behind,"

"Not everyone has 'the gift.'"

"and you don't even do much for us at all, you constantly just try to hide on the sidelines!"

At that, you balled your fists and stood up. "Because you always put me in the back! Not everyone is going to be practically beaming about being in front of a crowd, let alone singing in front of others- it's called social anxi- ...Y'know what? No, I'm done for today." After hissing at her, you dropped all expression from your face and looked around for your bag

"What do you mean you're done?! Hey! (Y/N)- where are you going?!" Heather called after you, but didn't put much effort into it since she was being petty.

"Whoo! You go, giiirl!" your friend Maggie, who was giving you a thumbs up, shouted and through her hands in the air. Meanwhile the other, Mitch, was facepalming as if she had to deal with a one-woman circus. And to be honest, she probably was.

A quick glare from Heather was enough to quiet Maggie, with a sheepish laugh.

"We're gonna look for her later, right?" the ginger whispered to Mitch, to which the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. "Of course we are, dingus," she stated as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

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