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Fanart by: DemiGboss

Musky fumes choked out the stuffy room. The sound of modern music reverberated off the walls bursting their already exploded ear drums. Cigarette smoke and liquor stained the floors. The posters on the walls were peeling, the blinds were drawn shut, and the door had a hundred locks to hide their activities.

Sitting in a room just off the main hallway was a group of five men. Two sat in opposing chairs with a deck of cards between them. They were playing a game and drinking with money on the line. Another sat in the furthest corner with his beanie pulled over his eyes. Though he seemed unencumbered as he continued to scroll through his smartphone.

The final two were sitting at the largest desk. They each had a stack of coins and gems they were working through. One was scribbling away while the other counted. The heaps and loads of dosh were getting sectioned off into separate briefcases. They were planning on moving soon and needed a count of inventory.

While they handled this pressing business the two players from the side began to stir. "Ey! I saw that."

"Saw what?"

"I saw you swipe a card." His burgundy bangs lurched about as he shouted, "You're a pig eatin' cheata'."

"Oh, blow it up your dick, eye shadow." His opponent was an older gentleman with a black buzzcut. His chocolate skin was covered in wrinkles. The ear piercings he sported had sagged with age. They drooped like a basset hound's ears as he spoke, "I don't need to cheat to beat your sorry ass."

"Is that so?"

"It is." He pointed to his younger opponent's hand. "You've been bluffing that 2 pair since we started."

The young man looked down at the accurate call and scoffed, "Like you've got anything better."

A set of cards hit the table with a kind smack, "Trip Queens." He snickered along with a grated gaunt as he raked in his rewards, "Read them, then weep-"

The young man slammed his hands down, "Cheater!"

"Get off me, emo!"

"I ain't given you shit!"

His elder reached into his pockets, "I said hands off."


The two lackeys froze suddenly, "Shonzo! Louey!" They both turned to their boss with meek expressions. He had a baseball cap on and dark blue shades. The pistol he aimed at the sky was big enough to count as a cannon. Its impact made a golf ball-sized entry wound in the upper floor. A few wood chips sprinkled across his right shoulder, "Enough outta you two."

Boss Gulliver. Don't let the name fool you, he wasn't a portly man discovering a land of miniature men. Though he certainly was a bit heftier than most. He was, however, a dangerous vagabond looking to subjugate every town he landed in. His dealings in the latest flavor of narcotics always kept officers on their toes. He'd recently fled from a town called Doe Eyes to this little blast from the past known as Retropolis. He had grown rather accustomed to the colorful nightlife and nearly lawless wonderland. However, he quickly realized that this place had already been claimed. An 'uphill battle' wouldn't be justice. It was more like Hannibal climbing the Alps on donkeys instead of elephants.

After hearing his stern scolding the subordinates sat down and resumed playing as normal. Gulliver returned to writing down his notes and checking an ancient laptop on his left. His right-hand man, Tao, continued counting the profits as they returned to bathing in verbal silence.

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