Meeting the Princes

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Victoria was brought before the king dressed in commoner's clothes unlike what she was used to. She was used to commoner's clothes but dirty and torn up as she walked in she looked around in awe of the beauty of the castle but also scared of what she had been called for. "Enemy girl, what is your name?" The king asked her kind but stern, "My name is Victoria sire." The king looks at her "Hmmm. Victoria… I have a special mission for you.."  The king picks up a sword. "You have to protect the two princes from every danger around them and make sure they do not cause any trouble… I’ll send you on a dangerous mission if you refuse…" He paused, "But sire, I have no experience with swords, I've never even been near one till now." She said respectfully.

(Her dress)

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(Her dress)

"I am not refusing sire, I am just saying I don't know how I would be helpful." The king took a better look at her "Well then, you can be their servant instead." He took the sword and gave her a key "Do be careful Victoria, the twins tend to be naughty and mischievous." She looked at the king nervous, she had heard some of the others say that the princes are sometimes a bit 'foolish' "Yes sire." She said, "I will do my best to take care of them." She bowed and the king gave her a smile.


As Victoria was in her room reading a book a young man barged in "Get up." He said pointing a sword at her. Victoria had a lot of things pointed at her but never a sword "Are you deaf? I said, Get up!" He said a bit louder. Victoria stood up "May I help you?" She politely asked, "Don't ask questions." The young man responded rudely. He had dark brown hair and green eyes and was wearing a blue tunic. (Or shirt, I don't know the name of it😅) "Now, who are you and why are you here?" He asked to get to the point. "My name is Victoria, and I am here to serve the princes." She said "And you are?" She asked kindly. "Xander, I am Prince Xander. maid" He said, still a bit rude, "Nice to meet you Prince Xander." She said as she bowed, "Well, you seem to know what you're doing." He said putting his sword away "Please do tell me about yourself Prince Xander" Victoria said politely as she could.

The prince was a bit surprised by that. How does she not know about him? "What do you mean by that maid?" Xander asked, a bit surprised, "I mean how old are you, and what things are you interested in." Victoria responded as she gestured to the prince to sit down by her desk. "I'll stand, and why would you be interested in what things interest me?" Victoria looked at the sword then at him "Well I think it would be nice to know what you're interested in so I can help you with it if you need help. And I take it by how you introduced yourself. Do you like to spar with a sword?"

Xander looked at her impressed "Yes, I do like to spar with a sword, I like to do many things. As for my age I'm eighteen and a half, same as Soma." He said kindly. Victoria was surprised by how fast the prince had changed his tone and how he acted to her but didn't want to test him. "Anything else maid?" He asked  kindly but seeing what her response to calling her 'Maid' would be. "Yes I do have at least two things to ask." She said politely "And what are the questions?" Xander asked "How do I tell the difference between you and Prince Soma? I heard you two are identical."  "Simple I'm taller, even if he's older. And the other question?" He asked as he looked at her

"I'd like it if you called me by my name not 'Maid'." Victoria said politely. Xander looked at her in complete surprise but didn't show it, he had never had one of the servants be this polite about being called a name he or his brother gave them. " And why should I? I am the prince."  He responded by acting like he wasn't surprised "I'm only asking Prince Xander, it is up to you." Xander looked at her surprised enough to almost show it "Fine.. I will call you by your name." He said politely. As he said that another young man came in "I see you had the same idea as me Xander." The boy said. The boy looked exactly like Xander but shorter and wearing a red tunic, he was Soma. 

Victoria looked at Soma. "Nice to meet you Prince Soma." She said politely, he looked at her "And you are?" He rudely asked, "I am Victoria, your servant that your father told me to be." She bowed Soma gave her a look "So your mine and Xander's servest, I don't see why you should talk to me or Xander." Victoria looked at him a bit surprised but not too surprised she was used to being talked to like that "What, never been threatened by a prince with a sword before?" He asked, holding a sword of his own. "No I have been, your brother was the first one to threaten me ." She said calmly

Soma glared at her, not believing how kind she was acting. "What are you up to maid, what are you planning?" He asked "I'm sorry? I don't understand the question." "I'm asking you what you are planning on doing with my brother and I. Are you planning on messing with us?" Soma asked "Soma, I don't think she is planning on messing with us. She is too innocent and kind to us to mess with us." Xander said, looking at Soma. Soma looked at Xander then at Victoria "We don't know that, even if she is a war prize we won she could end up being a spy for her kingdom."

Victoria looked at the Princes and her smile faded a little, she knew that she would be treated like that. She wasn't surprised, she had been treated like that most of her life but not a Prince or anyone in a royal family. "If I may, I have actually never been near a member of any of the royal family till today and that also includes the royal family of my kingdom." The Princes looked at her "I don't trust you, but you serve us." Soma glared at her "And don't think of trying anything stupid or you will regret it." He continued, Victoria nodded"I don't plan on doing anything stupid Prince Soma."

(1154 words)

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