Kindness. And not

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It had been almost a month since Victoria moved into the castle and became Prince Xander and Prince Soma's servant. While sometimes they would mess with her, she never got upset or angry about it since she was used to it. The Princes were a bit surprised that she never once showed any signs of any negative emotion and in response to it Prince Xander started to be a lot kinder than he was before Victoria had met him, as for Prince Soma he slowly stopped being mean.

One day Victoria was painting in the garden. She had always been good at it even if she was poor when she lived in the kingdom she grew up in. As the Princes walked around Prince Xander noticed that she was painting "I see you like to paint" he said politely "Yes I do, I like to capture the beauty of stuff when I paint so I can look at it again." Prince Soma looked around not really caring but did hear the conversation "May I show you my painting?" "I don't see how it would be any of our business" Soma said rudely as normal "You don't have to like it, I just thought I'd show you since I painted a picture of your beautiful garden." Victoria said kindly as she always did. Soma looked at her, "Fine, go ahead and show us."

As Victoria turned the painting around to show them they looked at her in shock "Do you like it?" She asked nervously Prince Xander smiled "It's amazing" "It is?" Victoria asked,"Yes it is, I love it."
Victoria looked at Prince Soma "Prince Soma, what do you think?" Soma looked at her,"Yes I think it looks nice." Victoria smiled "Thank you Prince Xander and Prince Soma, it means a lot to me." "Please Victoria, call me Xan. I think we've known each other long enough just for you to call me Xan." Prince Xander said kindly "Yes, if that's what you would like me too."

(The painting

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(The painting. Found on Pinterest)

Later as Victoria was in her room there was a knock on the door. "Come in" she answered. As the door opend she saw Prince Soma "Prince Soma, how can I help you?" Soma closed the door behind him "You do know you are completely gullible." He said rudely "I don't understand Prince Soma, what do you mean?" She asked him confused, "What do you think of my brother?" Soma asked curiously "I think he is a nice person" Victoria responded "Just nice?" Soma raised a brow "Yes, did you think I like him in a different way?" Victoria asked herself curiously "Yes, I think you did or do like him in some other way" Soma responded.

Victoria looked at him completely surprised, she had never thought about having feelings for anyone let alone a prince "I don't see Prince Xander, I mean Xan in that way Prince Soma. In fact I don't even see you that way, I mean it wouldn't be right for me to have feelings for one of you and know that you're royalty and I'm not." Soma looked at her "Well then, why do you think he's so nice to you?" He asked "I think he's being nice to me because he's a nice person, even if how we first met wasn't the nicest." "Hum..well if that is what you think then you're not fully wrong."

Victoria's surprised face turned into a confused one, she had no idea what Soma was talking about "And what do my feelings for you or your brother have to do with me being gullible?" Soma looked and walked around her room as they talked "Well the fact that you don't feel any negative emotions to Xan and I is a bit surprising, but not any romantic feelings?" He looked at her "You really do know that a servant having feelings for a prince is wrong. As for you being gullible, my brother has feelings for you and surprisingly to him he hasn't noticed that you don't know about it." Victoria's face went back to a surprised face. "Well that is sweet of him to like me that way, but as I said I don't see or feel the same way."

"What do you think my feelings towards you are Victoria?" Soma asked, looking at her window. "You're feeling towards me? Well I think your feelings towards me are a bit rude and mean, but I also think that you hide your kind and sweet feelings from me." She said politely and nervous Soma turned to her looking a bit shocked. "You think I should act nice to you, and you think I hide any of my feelings?" Soma asked rudely "I'm not trying to be rude Prince Soma but yes, I do think you should act kindly to me. As for your feelings, I don't have control over them, so if you are hiding them I can do nothing about it."

Soma looked at her his face going from shocked to angry "See here maid, I don't think you should be here but since my father picked you specifically to be Xander's and my servant you should be happy you aren't cleaning the windows every day." Soma raised his voice. Victoria took a tiny step back and lowered her head "I'm sorry Prince Soma, I didn't mean to make you angry." She said softly trying to hide her fear. Soma walked past her to go to her room door to leave "I accept your apology, but be careful with what you say next time. Oh and don't tell anybody about this, because if you do you won't like the punishment" He said cold "Yes prince Soma, have a good day." She said as she nodded, as he closed the door Victoria sat down beside her window and cried she had never been yelled at like that and now she was scared to even talk to the princes.

(1004 words)

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