Sorry Miss Romanoff *natasha romanoff*

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Warnings!!: Smut, strong language, fingering (R receiving), praising, public sex, dirty words, slapping (R receiving) , Strap-on (R receiving), Dom Nat/Sub Reader.
R stands for :Reader
N stands for :Natasha
Word count:1744
Y/n Pov:
As usual, I woke up for college at 7 am. My first lesson would at start 9 am so I always had plenty of time to get ready. It was pretty lonely in my apartment, but I was glad to see my bestfriend Alisha every day. Her parents are just the sweetest. My parents moved to California for some business stuff, buy they still check on me sometimes or even call me, which I'm glad for.

However there is one person that I laid my eyes on, which is ugh professor romanoff. I hate to admit that I like her, since I was supposed to hate all my teachers, but just different. I can't stop staring at her and I know I shouldn't, but she was just so intimidating and most of the school would probably agree with me. She is most likely straight, so I don't have a chance. I was a
feeling a weird sensation today, because I accidentally had a wet dream about her, which send a shiver down my spine at the memory

I just shook it off and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower, after I was done brushing my teeth I stepped into the shower and let the cold water run down my body, thinking about my professor.

Time Skip

I was in the kitchen preparing my pancakes. By this time I was just in my underwear, because I felt comfortable doing it and I was alone anyway so who should stop me? Anyway, after I finished breakfast I went upstairs again to get ready. As I entered
my room, I checked the time to see "8:06", so I got some cargo pants and a dark brown crop top, which I wore with a leather jacket. I started to apply some makeup, but not too much and grabbed my car keys. I was gonna stop by Starbucks to get my usual frappucino and made my way to college.

It didn't take me a minute to spot my friend running in my direction, which was very funny to look at.
"Heyy, looking good", she smirked and was probably about to tease me about romanoff again."Professor romanoff is gonna love it", she chuckled with a shit eating grin on her face. "Do you never shut up?", I mutter under my breath, still smiling at her ."Whatever let's just go to class", she said and huffed annoyed, to which I rolled my eyes.
Alisha and I entered our first class. Guess what. Yeah, ofcourse it was with the devil herself."You are very moody today, what's up?", asked Alisha worriedly. sigh "I just haven't slept good", I told her, because I couldn't tell her that I had a dream where I slept with my Professor.

Our conversation quickly got interrupted as professor romanoff walked in, with a black suit, my jaw dropped at the sight.
The suit hugged her curves perfectly and her fiery red hair hung loosely down her shoulders."You might catch a fly when you don't close your mouth", she chuckles making me groan out of annoyance.

"Goodmorning class, I hope you've all had a great day so far", she spoke with her raspy tone which turned me on,
but shit I shouldn't think like that. Everyone responded with a light nod or a quick 'yes' like me."I got you some worksheets yesterday, so please pull it out so I can check". That's when my whole body froze shit shit shit I forgot it at home! Alisha quickly noticed my panicked state and whispered, "what's wrong, don't you have it"? I nod and stare in her eyes, pleading her for help, but she just laughed and whispered "great job y/n".

Miss Romanoff walked around the class to check everyone's work till she got to me..fuck me I wanna go home."And where is your homework"? There is that rasp again, which accidentally made me clench my thighs together."I-I'm so sorry Miss,
I left it at home", I shivered under her gaze. She looked at me for second and I could swear she was checking me out"Stay behind", is all she said before moving to the next person.

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