old bio, meeting Veldanava, and new bio

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Old bio:
Old age: 25
Old name: TimothyYetzer
Old gender: male
Current status: dead
Cause of death: was accidently killed in a car crash with a semi truck

We are now sitting on a tatami mat in the sky with a true dragon in human form who looks to be Veldanava the god of tensura

???: hello, who are you?

God: hello, im Veldanava but you can call me god, welp I'm sorry to say this but your dead

A now reminiscing (Y/n) remembered he was in a car and his friend was driving too fast down a hilly road and he told his friend to slow down but the car ran a red light and a semi truck going straight came out and t-boned them on the right side killing him on impact

???: so is my friend alright?

God: yes he lives and now regrets not listening to you before the crash

???: so I died in a car crash and i have no use in complaining about it

God: that's a very mature perspective

???: so is this the part where you judge me?

God: no, I'm resurrecting as you weren't supposed to die at all for another 60+ years

???: thank you, that is so cool that I get to live again at all but I'm not allowed to go back to my old world, am I?

God: nope, but I'm sending you to the cardinal world of tensura universe in the great forest of jura as a monster and you can choose any race you want to become and any abilities you might want as you did die too early in your last life

???: I want my race to be a true dragon with a female human form

God:so you want to start as a female true-dragon in next life, okay anything else

(???): so I want to be able to wield the original fate series proto Excalibur, and Avalon Sheath like artoria Pendragon can and make the sword unbreakable origin class nothing in all multiverses cannot scratch it make it even stronger than rimuru's sword of the void and guy crimson sword but is that to much ask for or can I ask for more

God: no, its alright you can ask for more

(???): ok make my human form have the exact powers and looks of artoria Pendragon, make me be at the age of 16 after reincarnation , make me ageless at 16, an immortal at 16, and also have unlimited magical growth; as for my magic skills, i want my main mastered magic to be Excaliburs holy magic and avalons healing magic as well as all elemental blade magic and all elemental magic and all magic affinities and also after reincarnating me can you also make me your eldest sister and make my name be silver

God: ok silver my eldest sister so Is there anything else please write it down on this piece of paper

[??? Written down what he wanted]

God: all is in order please enjoy your new life


New bio:

Her sexuality: bisexuality/lesbian

Her race: true-dragon

Her name: Silver (saber) tempest

Her titles: the progenitor of all true dragons, The eldest sister of the tempest family, the true holy dragon, divine king of heroes,

Her age: is 16 but is ageless and an immortal she has been around long before Veldanava became a true dragon and she reigned over the cardinal world long before Veldanava's reign as true god and was loved and hailed as humanities first true hero and long before chronoa stole that title

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