Mew's birthday🎂‼️

25 3 10

Ignore that I'm really late, i totally forgot i was writing this... 😭

"Meow!" Savami jumped on Mew's pillow and started to purr.

"Wha..? Savami.. it's too early." Mew yawned and pet her cat.

Mew picks up her phone and sees many notifications. A text from each of her friends.

"What the heck? What does everyone want?" She opens a text from her friend, Arsloid, and reads the words "Happy Birthday"

"Oh wow! I totally forgot it's my birthday," Mew said to Savami who was now asleep on Mew's pillow, "I've gotta get ready for today!"

After responding to her friends birthday wishes she finally got up and got dressed into a black dress.

She then got another text. This time it was from her best friend, Sachiko.

Mew read the text out loud to Savami since she lived alone and didn't have anyone else to share with.

"Sachiko said to come to her house this instant! I wonder what she wants?"

Mew finished getting ready and kissed Savami on her forehead before she left.

"Goodbye Savami! I'll be back soon!" Mew said and pet her purring cat.

Mew then walked to her car that was covered in cat decals. She sat in the drivers seat and then left her house.

During her drive to Sachikos house she listened to calming music.

Finally she pulls into a long driveway and parks her car in front of her friends house.

Mew gets out of her car and walks to up to Sachikos house.

She knocks on the door

No answer

She knocks again

No answer

"Okay! I'm coming in!" Mew warned as she swung the door open.

The house was dark and quiet

"Hello??" Mew shouted trying to get Sachiko to come to the door. But then she heard something.

"SURPRISE!!!!" All of her friends yelled as the popped out from behind furniture. She seen Sachiko, Arsloid, Prima, Sweet Ann, Miriam, Kaito, and Meiko! Kaito and Meiko even brought their twins, Rin and Len!

"Wow guys! I don't know what to say," Mew said with shock, "thank you so much!"

"We made you a cake!" Sachiko shouts as they bring out a cat-shaped cake.

"It looks just like Savami!" Mew said while looking at the cake in awe.

"Let's go eat it!" The twins yelled as they ran to the kitchen.

"Hey no running in Sachikos house!" Meiko yelled as she chased after her children.

Everyone laughs then joins them in the kitchen.

"I can't believe that you guys gave me a surprise party!" Mew said as she ran up to hug Sachiko.

"It's the least we can do to show how much we appreciate all the things you do for us!" Sachiko exclaimed.

"Like that one time you bought all of our food at a restaurant" Arsloid said.

"Or all of the times you've babysat Rin and Len for Meiko and I." Kaito added.

"Don't forget the other times when she has let me borrow her car!" Miriam, who has horrible luck with cars and so she always had car problems added.

"Prima, remember how much she helped with our wedding?" Sweet Ann said to her wife.

"And so much more that you've done for us," Sachiko said, "So we wanted to do something nice."

"I really appreciate everything guys, I could have never imagined I'd get something so nice happen to me!" Mew said while tearing up from happiness.

"Can we eat the cake now?" Len asked while both twins stared at the cat cake in awe.

"Of course we can! Let's all eat!" Mew announced.

Everyone gathered around the cake as Sachiko cut everyone of them a slice, Mew getting the biggest one.

They sat at the large dining table that Sachiko had to fit everyone and enjoyed their cake.

Happy birthday, Mew!!! 🐱🐈❤️

Word count: 623

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