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MYRINA HAD NAMED Chen'an Hall, and it showed—peaceful dawn, that was what it meant. And perhaps that was what Myrina sought every day while she lived here. Once upon a time, Chen'an Hall would have been one of the halls for the resident of the Crown Prince's concubines and consorts, but he'd long converted them into temporary residences for his friends and advisors.

Myrina had chosen this one when she'd returned from Arecia. It was the smallest, a bit of a distance from any of the other halls, and filled with flowers and nature. While it had been messy at first, she'd had it cleaned up since. One step in and the religious symbols were already on full display—there was the sign of Hongyun, a simple red cloud, hanging on the lowest branch of a large oaken tree. A few statuettes were placed here and there, of other well-known religious figures (mostly priestesses).

Zhou Pengwei quickly announced Ryan's presence, and a moment later Myrina and her close maid, Chunyi, appeared at the doors of the main structure of the square-shaped hall.

"Your Highness," Myrina dropped into a curtsy, "you received my message."

"I did," Ryan said with a stiff nod. "It was rather cryptic."

"I did not intend it to be," she said swiftly. "Please, Your Highness, come in. I have made some excellent tea."

And so Ryan went inside—what else could he do? Myrina motioned for him to sit and quickly poured some hot tea for him, which he savoured. She'd always had a way of making tea. Apparently it had been taught to her at the temple of Hongyun where she'd been training as an acolyte, until she had been summoned away due to the death of her father.

It was funny, how it all lined up. Myrina expressed her wishes to become a priestess shortly after her father had fallen ill. Seven months later her father had died, and she'd been summoned back to the Scarlet Palace to inherit his title, his estate and his power.

But why would Myrina have wanted to escape during that time? She was living in the Scarlet Palace as their study companion by then, away from her father. It should have not affected her that much at all, especially since their relationship had always been relatively tense from what he recalled. It was just a strange string of events that he still could not fully comprehend, even so many years down the line.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Ryan asked, knitting his brows together. It was very unlikely for Myrina to seek him out unless she had something important to tell him.

"I considered your proposal, Your Highness," Myrina said eloquently. "I have come up with a tactic to return the estate back to my hands, but it does require your assistance."

Ryan's frown deepened. It was even more unlike her to ask him for help in such a frank and direct manner. Perhaps she had changed. Somedays, he thought he could see the shadow of her old self, from before those darker days. When she was younger and more carefree, unburdened by the duty that tied her down. When she had no need to watch her tongue and spoke as honestly as she wanted to without fear of consequences. Before she'd been the Countess of Li Han she'd had the honorary title of the Viscountess of Yuhuang. She'd always been surrounded by power.

Myrina's eyes met his. Clear eyes, unclouded and simple, more direct than he'd ever seen her in years. "Your Highness, I understand that a northern tour may be necessary soon. I wonder if you'd be interested in visiting and residing in the Mai Manor during your visit."

Ah. She wanted to use him as a threat. Because yes, her relatives may not be afraid of her, but they'd be afraid of him. It was practically exactly what she'd suggested, but she'd been against it days prior. What changed?

He supposed someone had convinced her. Most likely Asteria, who she'd seemed to have talked to quite a bit recently. God knows Justine Lan did not give such suggestions.

"And when do you suggest this tour to be?" he asked carefully.

"A full northern tour is likely to take a month or so. Thus, we must take into account all of the most important festivals from which you must not be absent. But we'd want to avoid the coldest of winter as well." Myrina tilted her head. "Thus it's best if we avoid anything after November. Of course, you must be here during September for Mid-Autumn Festival. It is currently June... Might I suggest August? We can make it in time for the festival, I am sure, and the weather would be fairly comfortable during August."

"You have thought this thoroughly through."

"Of course I must, before presenting any plan to you. It would not do for a flawed plan to be presented to Your Highness."

Ryan let out a snort. "Of course, of course." And that was the Myrina he knew.

An August tour... He'd needed to do a northern tour for a little while now. He'd done an eastern one almost two years ago, and a northern one was desperately needed. As soon as possible, too, before the war began, and god knew when that might happen. August should work. Myrina's estate and land was near the northernmost part of the empire, and was thus a perfect spot to use as his temporary residence for a majority of the tour. That, and the fact that his presence would most definitely quiet down her relatives.

Yes, it sounded like a good plan.

He glanced at her. "Since you were the one who suggested it, I think it would be most suitable for me to put you in charge as well."

"Of course, Your Highness. I will have an itinerary drafted up for your checking by the end of the week."

He nodded. "I have dinner with my parents tonight, I'll check it through with them to make sure it's alright. I'm sure it will be."

"Aye, Your Highness."

He glanced at Myrina, studying her slightly bowed figure and the way she held both hands before her. Her gaze was on the floor, the picture of respect. "Is there anything else?" he asked softly.

"Nay, Your Highness. Apologies for needing you to come here for such a short conversation."

He waved his hand in the air and prepared to stand, before settling down again. "Oh, I forgot to mention, they located the weapon. But the carving on it is illegible and they don't know where it's from."

Myrina blinked. "Your Highness, do you mind if I go take a look at this weapon? I might be able to tell where it comes from."

It sounded ridiculous, it really did, but the thing was that Myrina's memory had always been simply stunning. She took one glance at something and then immediately remembered it. She never forgot anything. Ryan nodded and told her, "I'll send someone to fetch you in a moment. The quicker we identify it, the better. I don't want this assassin on the loose any longer."

"Of course, Your Highness."

He left soon after that.

idk?? why this chapter is so short like wtf but it's how i sectioned it so i guess here it goes????

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