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{Narrator Talking}

It was Isabella with her cute smile. She was glowing white around her (more likely she's a goddess), and doesn't have any symbols (tattoos) around her either. She becomes an Amnemiss (Äm-nee-miss) of Guidance. Isabella walks towards them. The boys were surprised, dropping their mouths. They came towards her too.

{Chit Chat Time}

Baljeet: "Wow."
Ferb: "Oooohhh."
Buford: "Could that be-?"
Phineas: "Isabella???"

*Long Pause; Phineas came closer to her, touches her shoulder. He can touch her. He becomes more happy.*

Phineas: *gasp* "ISABELLA!!!! *Hugs her* I'm so glad you're here?"
Isabella (sounds like a sweet girl's ghost): "Of Course I'm here with you always. Besides, you wish for it."
Phineas: "I did? When?"
Isabella: "A few seconds ago. Then I arrived, to help you lead the way."
Buford: "Are you like a genie or something? How many wishes do we have now?"
Isabella: *chuckles* "No, Buford. I'm not a genie. I'm part of the Amnemiss now. Remember?"
Buford: "Oh? Yea, right?"
Phineas: "Wow, I can't believe Danville got demolished. Isabella, I need your help. I don't know what to start?"
Isabella: "Your goal is to stop Eukhanburg. I mean, all of you must work together to stop him. Look around, the town is destroyed. There is nothing you have left."
Baljeet: "Sooo....after when Eukhanburg is gone, will you be returned normal like us?"
Isabella: *shook her head with a no* "No, I can't. I'm the Amnemiss. I have to be like this for a month. Remember? Didn't I told you that already?"
Phineas: "Yes, yes you had. What happens when Eukhanburg is gone?"
Isabella: "I guess....Danville is going to be the same."
Phineas: "Whadya mean Danville is going to be the same?"
Isabella: "What I mean is... Danville will look the same as this. After when he's gone. So which means....until a month, that's when I'll be returned to normal, the town will change back to normal also."
Baljeet: "Oh no!!! I am so petrifying about that now!!!!!"
Buford: "What that?"
Baljeet: "Buford, the way to get back Danville into normal, we have to fight him. Even though he's really huge, but, I don't know if it's helping or not."
Buford: "Oh?.... I feel like we're in the time travel thingy, like this is the future. And this is the future what it looks like now. The Downtown Demolished."
Baljeet: "That doesn't sound good, you know."
Phineas: "Soooo.....we have to fight him?"
Isabella: "Yes."
Phineas: "Well,.... ok, I guess this is the part of the plan. *came close to Isabella* Thanks for the help, Isabella." *hugs her*

*Phineas hugs her; let goes from the hug. Isabella kisses him on the cheek to which makes him to blush really red. She glows white again; transforms into a magical Phoenix, then it flies off away.*

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