Fallen Down

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I walked out of the living room. I needed a break from my mom. "I'll be back, I'm going for a walk." I called as I opened the front door and left the house. I didn't care if Mom was going to be mad if I left without her permission.

I decided the park would be a nice place to relax because there was this bench that I loved to relax on but. . .  it was not actually guaranteed to be there, since it wasn't built into the ground or anything. I didn't mind it all too much but sometimes it would just be straight-up missing. Thankfully, it was here. I found it by my favorite tree in the park. I couldn't tell you why I liked the tree so much. Maybe it was the shape all the leaves and branches formed, maybe it was the fact it was an oddly small tree, or maybe it was just the shade it left so if I ever got tired of my bench, I could relax and forget about the world around me and make up stories and funny scenarios in my head.

Those of which would never be written or actually happen, of course, but it was fun to imagine. Fun imaginations aside though. I loved being able to escape the small enclosed space I called home. I walked up to the bench and lazily plopped onto it, nearly knocking it over. I sat in the not-so-quiet silence for a bit until a few kids ran towards the tree. I didn't mind them at first but then I heard them singing a familiar rhyme.

"Here! Let's do it here!" the little girl cheered. "Fine, b-but don't tell anyone I was here. I don't want them knowing I like this stupid rhyme." the boy answered clearly embarrassed. "Fineeeee, let's just start!"

They started clapping their hands, patty-cake style, and started singing.

"Every good rhyme starts with 'Once Upon a Time,'" they started, almost perfectly in sync. "Long ago, far away, centuries before our day. Humans lived, Monsters roamed, both shared Earth and sky as home. Yet this peace came undone, war was waged and Humans won. Forced below, Monsters fell, Humans trapped them with a spell. Listen, children, to our words, Ebott will eat you, beware of the curse! Monster teeth go clap clap-" "Hey, can you sing that over there?" I asked cutting the kids off and pointing towards the tree. "I'm listening to my music," I made my headphones noticeable, "And would like to be uninterrupted." I explained.
"Awww, okay." the girl sighed and dragged the boy away. I sighed. Could the poor monsters down there catch a break? I know children have gone missing before but that was ages ago! Plus they fell down there. I don't think any kids were sucked up by some sick-o monsters. Plus I'm sure that no monster could do that. The barrier is still there, so monsters can't just crawl out of there. In all honesty, I believe that they are probably just like humans just stuck in the Underground. . .  Never seeing any sun. . .  I feel bad there's no JUSTICE for them and I highly doubt anyone but me really feels bad about it. At least bad enough to wish I could help them out in some way.

Ranting aside, I guess I should be on my way by now. I need to pack for the "Historical" trip to MT. Ebott in a few days. I got off the bench before starting the short walk back home.

I walked into the front door just to be almost immediately yelled at. "Why were you gone so long!?" My mom yelled at me, "It was only 15 minutes." I protested. "Well, it's getting late." She pointed out which was kind of true, but it was barely 7:27. "It's not even 8:00 yet, and I just got home from my little trip. Can you not be on my ass for a few minutes?" I asked as I decided to walk away before I got any more in trouble than I probably already was. I started recounting the list of things I needed for the trip, to help get my mom off my mind.

I was walking up the stairs, repeating the list I'd rewritten almost countless times at this point, so I couldn't forget anything this time. I opened the door to my room and was about to open my closet when it suddenly opened and I got a fresh jumpscare from Xalier. I sighed after getting over the small scare, "Bro! What the heck?" I could tell there was a small tone of anger in my voice. "Aww, c'mon! That was funny and you know it!" He laughed. I chuckled as well, it was funny how jumpy I could be, but I didn't want to admit it to his face.

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