You Can Save All Of Them

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Y/N felt the softness of the grass against his face as his eyes slowly opened. He saw that he was back on his family's farm in H/T.

Zod: Hello Kal, or do you prefer Y/N?

Y/N quickly got up from the ground to see Zod standing in front of him

Zod: I was Krypton's military leader, your father our foremost scientist, the only thing we agreed upon is that Krypton was dying. In return for my efforts to protect our civilization and save our planet, I and my fellow officers were sentenced to the Phantom Zone.

Zod went on to descrbe how Kryptons destruction set them free and how they turned the Phantom Projector into a hyperdrive, and that they spent the past 28 years searching the galaxy until a beacon from the scout ship Y/N found brought them to Earth.

Zod: You led us here Kal, and now it is your duty ti save what remains of your race.

Y/N looked up to see a gianormous machine decend from the sky before landing in the field next to them.

Zod: On Krypton, the geneteic code of every being yet to be born is encoded in the registry of citizens. Your father stole the registrys codex and stored it in the capsul that brought you here.

Y/N: For what purpose?

Zod: So that Krypton can live again, on Earth.

Suddenly the machine fired a blue beam straight into the ground, sending dust and debris flying past the two kryptonians. Y/N covered his face from the debris as it passed, and once it did he saw he was wearing a full black version of his suit and cape with a ruined city in the distance.

Zod: Where is the codex Kal?

Y/N: If Krypton lives again, what happens to Earth?

Zod: The foundation must be built on something, even your father realised that.

Y/N looked down to see he was standing on a field of skulls while slowly sinking into them, horrified at the realization of what Zod was planning.

Y/N: No, Zod, I can't be apart of this

Zod: Then what can you be apart of?

Y/N: No! Zod! No!

Y/N continued to sink furhter into the skulls until he was fully engulfed into darkness.

Y/N's eyes shot open, he saw he was now back on the Kryptonian ship. He tried to get up but saw that he was restrained to a table, he looked down to see he was back in his blue and red suit too. Looking up to see Zod standing over him.

Zod: Your father aquitted himself with honor Kal

Y/N looked in disbelief at Zod

Y/N: You killed him?

Zod: I did, and not a day goes by where it doesnt haunt me. But if I had to do it again I would, I have a duty to my people, and I wont let anyone prevent me from completing it

Zod walked out of the room leaving Y/N alone with a Kryptonain doctor.

Doctor: It's no use, the strength you've harvested from the Earths sun has been neutralized on our ship. Here, in this enviroment, you're as weak as a human.

The doctor then stuck a syringe into Y/N's arm and extracted a blood sample.

Elsewhere in the ship, a female kryptonian soilder pushed Natasha in a room a makeshift cell before locking the door behind her. Natasha stood up and looked around the cell before her gaze landed on an old console with a diamond shaped port in the middle. She then remembered the command key that Y/N gave her.

Natasha took it from one of the pouches on her belt, then placing it over the port it was sucked in and a whirring was heard throughout the ship. Unsure of what else to do, she pushed the key in. Turning around slowly, to see what that did she came face to face with Jor-El's AI. The sudden apperance shocked her a bit but not too bad.

Nat: Where the hell did you come from?

Jor-El: The command key, Miss Romanoff. Thanks to you I'm uploading into the ships mainframe

Nat: Who are you?

Jor-El: I am Kal's father

Nat: Can you help us?

Jor-El: I designed this ship, I can modify it's atmospheric compostion to human compatibility. We can stop them, we can send them back to the Phantom Zone.

Natasha: How?

Jor-El: I can teach you, and in turn you can teach Kal, will you help me.

Natasha nodded her head before an alarm began blaring throughout the ship, then her mask deactivated and she took a huge breath asn was thankful to be breathing in oxygen. She then began to follow Jor-EL to the escape pods, while he explained what to do along the way.

Back in Y/N's cell, the doctor was busy looking at the blodd sample before he noticed the alarms going off. Y/N, now feeling a burst of energy broke the restraints on one of his arms with ease. He glared at the doctor who was backing out of the room in fear before closing the door.

Natasha continued to make her way through the ship following the AI, while also being cautious of her surroundings. Eventually they got to the escape pods.

Jor-El: Secure yourself inside the open pod.

Natasha did just that.

Jor-El: Safe travels Miss Romanoff, it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing each other again. Remember the Phantom Drives are essential in stoping them. Move your head to the left.

That last statement confused Natasha before a Kryptonian soilder punched through Jor-El's hologram, Nat just managed to dodge it before the soilder punched a hole in the inside of the pod. She kicked off the Kryptonian before quickly launching the pod which was now sparking and smoking as it made it's way back to Earth.

Y/N broke the last restraint on the table before getting of it, he got up and was face to face with his father.

Y/N: Is it true what Zod said about the codex?

Jor-El: Strike that panel

Y/N punched the wall exposed the room to space, the vacuum caused Y/N's red cape the flow in the breeze.

Jor-El: We wanted you to know what it meant to be human first, so that one day when that time was right, you could be the bridge between two peoples.

Jor-El gestured out of the hole and Y/N look to see the escape pod.

Y/N: Nat

Jor-El: You can save her Kal, you can save all of them

Y/N stepped out of the hole in the wall arms streched out before turning to face the planet, his home, before he rocketed himself towards the falling escape pod. The pod was spinning out of control and Natasha was trying her best to stay calm but even she was starting to freak out. It wasn't long before Y/N caught up with the pod and grabbed a hold of it.

After making sure they were back in the atmosphere, Y/N ripped the door off and grabbed onto Natasha before the pod crashed to the ground and exploded. Y/N turned around to shield Nat from the blast.

Soon after the smoke cleared, Y/N floated gently to the ground, holding onto Natasha who was holding onto him tightly.

Y/N: You'll be safe here, you should probably contact SHIELD as soon as you can. Are you alright?

Nat: I'm ok, I'm sorry Y/N I didn't want to tell them anything but they did something to me, something I have never seen before. It was like they looked inside my mind and...

Y/N: It's ok Nat, they did the same thing to me.

Y/N smiled reasurringly at Nat who reciprocated and gave a warm smile, the two of them stood there for a moment, embracing each other before a sound in the distance got his attention and he backed away before flying towards it.

Natasha then reached for her Avengers communicator

Nat: Steve, it's me. You, Tony and Thor better get  to H/T soon, I think something is happening.

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