Chalter 2 - Progress

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After putting Jimin to bed, me and kookie went to plan our schedules for the next couple of weeks cause sense we now have another one to take care of we should be more organized from now on

We were planning and we here this weird nose and it sounds like crying then we realize it's our Jiminie, we run to his room and he's breathing heavily and crying really hard so we try to wake him up, but when he wakes up he's not in his little space anymore and he's the 16 year old boy we saved an he was screaming for help

We look at each other and start to comfort the young boy and he accepts the hug, cause the truth is when we where planning we also looked up Jimin's background information

He was calming down he said he is hungry and so we asked what he wanted and he kept repeating chicken. We laughed at him cause he was so cute the way he said chicken

We brought him his chicken and he started the conversation

Two men were sitting in front of me ever since they woke me up from my nightmare they have comforted me and gave me food, I feel safe when I'm near, I think their names were Taehyung and Jungkook

So I asked them what they do for work cause after all the house I woke up in is not small but rather huge and luxurious house, so they told me that they were business men.

When Jimin asked us this question we looked at each other and nodded, agreeing that they should lie to the poor boy. So they told Jiminie that they were business men. So he believed them, and then he kept asking us questions like why did they save home from getting beat up.

We told him because you looked like you needed help, so we fought away those guys and saved you and you were very injured so we got you checked out and it looked like you were being beat for many years kid.

Jimin said that if they got closer he would tell them his full background, and Taehyung and Jungkook were interested because the word full caught there attention. So they continued talking to each other and finally Jimin finally brought up the courage to say it and he told Tae and Kook that he had a question for them.

So they said yeah what's your question and Jiminie, asked can I stay here with you for a while, I promise I won't be bad or do anything and will behave for you guys, we thought about it for a second and told him sure I don't see why not.

So Jimin jumped up and down and gave them both hugs they were shocked at first cause they have only ever ecieved hugs from family or from each other but when Jiminie just hugged us it felt nice and warm like he has not felt love in a long time.

So they pulled Jimin onto their laps and hugged him for a while and after a while they heard cute little snores and they looked down and they said well looks like someone was tired.

Jungkook picked Jimin up bridal-style and brought him to their room and then Tae tucked him in and they went to go eat dinner and finish setting up their schedules.

(607 words)

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