The end (edited)

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Author hey guys last chapter well not really one after this.

Jane's Pov

It has been a week since the war and Jennifer is in her room still passed out slender says the reason she passed out was because zalgo had put a spell on her so she was in his control once he died the spell had been lifted but the side affects would cause her to be in a trance worse then death and there is no telling if she'll survive. All of us have been on edge hoping for Jennifer's well being Jeff has been in his room most of the time and honestly I can sometimes hear him sobbing. I've been with Jennifer day and night waiting for her to wake up but now I'm starting to loose hope. As I sit at the edge of her bed I start to cry

"please Jennifer my baby girl you have to wake up your family has been worried sick we all love you and we don't care what happened we know it wasn't your fault we need you now you need to start fighting" I sob grabbing her pale hand

"we need you Jennifer" I whisper tears streaming down my face. As I still hold her hand I feel it squeeze mine I gasp and look up at Jennifer her beautiful eyes are opened and staring at me

"mom?" She says.

Creepypasta daughter #watty's 2015Where stories live. Discover now