Purpose why I'm doing this

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Maybe a few of the readers are aware of my current status. I announce last month that I finally broke-up with my toxic fiancé and that he's threatening me. He's been stalking me lately and would even come to the apartment I stay in and luckily, I still manage to survive.

With the current situation, I'm afraid that I won't be able to write too much. I love my stories and the life I ever wanted was to be able to write stories that people could enjoy but I think that will be short-lived.

I decided to do a spoiler-book for all the stories I'm currently making, including the stories I wanted to write in the future.

I will also be writing my side of the story here so if something happens to me, family (if they care enough) would have access to what really happened to me in the past years.


My name is Klein, I'll use my second name since my first name's kinda unique and people might recognize in. I live in the Philippines and I've had a decent life, at least compare to other people living in different parts of the country.

A mom, a dad, and a brother, I have a small family compared to my mother's cousins who usually have three to eight children. Talk about family planning, damn.

As a child, I was smart. Like really smart. I placed first in every grade (first to fourth grade) and would even join contests that include essays, drawing, poster making, and what-not. The point is I'm not that stupid for a child.

In the family, I was the meekest. I grew up not being able to say what I wanted and what I didn't. If I was hurt or not, I only kept it to myself. Why? Because no one listened to me.

I grew up wanting my parents to be proud of me but in the end, they still disregarded me. Nevertheless, I still loved them. They are my family so I wanted to love them as much as I can.

Friends? I never had them. The reason being that I had to move from one school to another just to look after my dad.

(Fuck! Why the fuck am I crying!!!??? I need to finish this!!!)

So my dad really liked going places to try his luck in business and whatever he wanted. If I knew better, he just wanted to be away from my mom. Since I was the youngest and my brother can't leave the place he grew up in, I ended up having to be with my dad.

Just to be clear, my dad never abused me physically. The thing is he loved alcohol and would get drunk somewhere leaving me alone at the house often. Thinking back, it's probably when my anxiety started. I would feel anxious when it's quite late and he's still not at home. I already knew he was drunk somewhere and being a teenager left alone in an apartment with strangers really scared the shit out of me.

Fast forward, dad ended up spending more money rather that making it so we had to go back home with mom and my brother (I call him the favorite child hahaha).

Years passed and our family went bankrupt so we had to move. A lazy dad and a dramatic mom, I had to stay with them since they can't leave me to be on my own.

My brother stayed in Baguio City (a place in the Philippines) while I had to go with my parents. That's when things got really messy.

Mom and dad decided to go to where dad's sisters lived. It's a small province that really far from the city I came from.

In a year, dad had the chance to work overseas and I really thought things were looking up for us. However, dad only left us with more unwanted debt. Mom borrowed money for him to work overseas only to end up more broke. Dad only sent the minimal amount every month. In Philippine peso, it's 12,000.00 per month which only amounts to 212.00 US Dollars (computation as of today wherein 1 peso is equivalent to 0.018 USD).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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