twenty six*

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Her hands roam my body, as if memorising the shape for her own enjoyment before they slide down the back of my leg, the other my neck pulling me further into her kiss. I push her further into the pillows, red hair like a wild fire around her.

I bite her lip and she gasps allowing me to roam her mouth with my tongue. A low guttural moan escapes her lips as I slide my hands under her shirt, hands kneading her boobs. Pulling away she looks deeply into my eyes. I pause my movements, waiting for her to tell me something I don't want to hear.

"I've dreamed of this, of touching you." She admits, blue eyes fluttering down my body. The air is knocked from my body. As soon as I regain the ability to breathe, I kiss her and start to unbutton her shirt, the blazer discarded over the armchair like a lifeless animal. She stops my hands. "As much as I love this dress on you my love...I'm going to need to remove it if you want to proceed."

I straddle her waist, black dress already pushed up from my ankles to my hips. I pull the light fabric over my head, allowing my hair to fall down my bare back. "No bra? How daring of you sweetheart."

"To be fashionable I have to make sacrifices." I hush, pressing a firm kiss to her lips. "Plus it was built in."

"I think I prefer it that way." She wraps her hands around my waist, digging in her nails and drawing a small amount of blood. I moan onto her lips, the sound spurring her on further. She sits up causing my heels to dig into the back of my thighs and flips us back over, my body pressed under hers.

Her shirt hangs loosely from her figure, still buttoned and obscuring her shape. I pout and pull her in, hand sliding down to her abdomen and unbuttoning her shirt completely, leaving it hanging from her pale skin.

Her hands stop beneath my breasts, running her fingertips along my ribcage. A small scar adorns the skin, colour different to my usual tone. She presses her lips softly to it, acknowledging a memory of the past. Of the day we first met. Of the hatred we never really had for each other.

"Leonora." I beg, aching to be touched by her, to touch her. Surely I'm dripping through my underwear already? But she probably knows this and wants to tease me anyways.

"God- You're driving me insane." She murmurs, eyes lustfully dragging across my revealed chest, fingertips still brushing lightly against the scar, thighs pressing on either side of my hips. I remain quiet, breathing growing heavier by the minute. Her ocean eyes meet mine again, raging and dangerous, a storm untamed.

I pull her in, sliding the fabric from her shoulders and dropping it off the side of the bed. I pull away to admire her, thigh muscles pressing against the fabric of her trousers. I look at her face, eyes meeting mine sharply, lips inches away. "I'm going to fuck you now." She murmurs against my lips.

She moves from my waist to between my thighs, taking my underwear and tearing it from my body.
The first stroke from her tongue is unexpected and cold. A loud moan escapes my lips and I feel her smile against me pleased by the reaction she caused from so little touch.

I soon find out her tongue is just as relentless as her fingertips as she works my pussy, dipping her hands in and out. I feel the knot in my stomach forming rapidly and I guide her head, pushing her closer to me.

Her tongue doesn't stop as she reaches for my nipple - pinching it with her index and thumb. The movement nearly pushes me over the edge as my legs tighten around her neck and I feel myself near the release I haven't experienced in years. She pushes her tongue further into me, desperate to undo me.

I grip her hair, eyes struggling to remain open. She moves her head from my thighs, hand taking the complete place of her mouth. "Look at me baby." Her voice muses, grin on her lips as she adds a third finger. I moan both in pleasure and surprise, forcing my eyes open for her. "Good girl."

"Don't ca-" Her fingers hit my g-spot, lips back on my pussy, cutting my words off completely. Moaning I try to get the rest of the sentence out. "Call me- g-good." She laughs, the noise vibrating against my clit as I reach my limit, her name rolling from my lips.

She lays beside me, licking my cum from her fingers before pressing her lips to mine. Forcing me to taste myself. Regaining my energy I straddle her waist. "Still not done?" Leonora muses. I place my hand on her neck, adding pressure and watching as her eyes ignite with desire.

"Oh no, it's your turn now sweetheart." I mock, using the same tone as her. My hands reach for the waistband of her trousers, unbuttoning it and watching as her eyes flutter closed. Once I'm done she drags them from her body, discarding them as I lean to unclasp the red bra. "Pretty. But oh so restrictive." I pull it from her, immediately kneading her breasts, kissing up her jaw.

"Oh fuck." She whispers, head leaning against the headboard, hands placed on my hips. I continue my path down her neck, sucking and leaving marks before trailing between her breasts. I leave a few marks there too; why not?

The angular shape of her hipbones protrudes under my fingertips, concealed by the red material of her underwear. "Just fuck me already." She pleads lifting my chin with her fingertips. I tut.

"Now now." I tilt my head, feeling her nails dig into the soft skin beneath my chin. "Where are your manners?" She clenches her jaw.

"Y/N if you don't fuck me, I'll do it myself." She grasps my chin between her thumb and fingers, adding enough pressure to bruise. To completely shatter the bone. I waste no more time, releasing myself from her grip and prying the small amount of fabric remaining from her body.

I place my tongue flat against her pussy, tasting her and causing a loud moan to slip from her lips. "Sweet." I mutter, replacing my tongue with my index finger and watching as she squirms beneath me. "But seeing you writhe is much more fun." Her nails scratch my sides, streaks of red surely forming under the pressure and force as I add another finger. I use my thumb to stimulate her clit.

My necklace hangs from my neck, swaying in the space between us and I almost laugh as it glints in the minimal light coming from the moon.

Her back arches and she moans loudly as I add another finger, hand pulling on my hair. I remove her hands with my free hand and pin them above her head. "Look at me Leonora. I want to see you come undone." Her ocean eyes meet mine - the tide crashing against rocks, uncontrolled.

"Good girl."

"You fuckin-Oh god." She groans. I smile as she orgasms, strength draining from her body. I help her ride out her high before bringing my fingers to my mouth, savouring her taste. I roll onto the silk bedding beside her, waiting for her to gather her words.

"I didn't expect a praise kink from you Leonora."

"Either shut up or I do it for you." I laugh and drape my arms over her waist, pulling the covers over the both of us and feeling her next to me. Grounded. "I love you." She whispers it so quiet I almost miss it. Almost.

"I love you too, more than you can imagine."

And to the sound of her heart beating strongly, her warmth, her presence next to mine, I fall asleep. Content. Happy.


A/N : you're all welcome

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