15 {the reason?}

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"why do you look so stressed today?" Hanbin asks thinking that the way matthew was acting that day was concerning as he have been spacing out alot and sighing here and there the whole time

"Huh? Me? Stressed? Haha why would I?" Matthew gave Hanbin his best smile trying to reassure Hanbin

"Are you sure? Cause you seem really........out of it today" Matthew was trying to avoid Hanbin's eyes at all cause so he look everywhere but him "yea , just some stuff I guess?" Matthew shrug looking down playing with his fingers , well matthew doesn't (never) even pay attention to their so called class , he wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Hanbin at the place

"What stuff?" Hanbin ask again looking intensely at Matthew who was giving all his in avoiding his eyes "not important , you should focus-"

"But it's about you" Hanbin blurred out "huh?" Matthew may have heard that wrong but he swear his heart skip a beat

"It's important to me, if it's about you" Matthew ignore how that simple short words flip his heart and did something to his stomach

"I mean I'm your friend i should worry right? And if you are not well how can out plan work" Hanbin then smile at Matthew "oh, right , friends" Matthew thought

"Haha you're right"

"Gunwook what could've been the problem, we were just fine the other day I don't get it" Gyuvin says fiddling with the soda in his hands

"I don't know...did he say the reason why he wanted to break up?" Gunwook look at Gyuvin who sigh

"No, he doesn't say the exact reason but I think it's about his studies" Gunwook find that weird , at little bit too weird cause why would he even date Gyuvin at the first place if he is worried about his studies

"I don't think that's the prob-"

"Then what? What could possibly be the reason!" Gyuvin got frustrated and shout making the people walking around the campus look at them weirdly

"Hey, calm down, rather then letting it out on that poor can why not try to talk it out with him again?"

"You dumb? You think he'll want to talk to me again , you should've seen the looks he gave me that day" Gyuvin think back on how his "lover" looked at him that day, hatred and frustration and a hint of sadness, Gyuvin hate it so much that he feels like crying again

"I don't know anymore, how do I fix this" Gyuvin pulled his hair out of frustration

"Talk but maybe not now , give him space I'm sure he'll talk with you"

"You think?" And Gunwook nod

"Hyung!" Matthew heard a very familiar voice calling for him when they were walking around campus on their free period

" hi Gunwook" Matthew and Hanbin welcome the younger male

"Something terrible happen" He announce making Hanbin and Matthew frown

"What happened?" Hanbin ask feeling somehow concern "so yesterday-"

"No wait first- Matthew cut him off and look at him with a frown.  how bad is it on the scale of 1-10"

"It's... pretty bad 8/10"

"Omg I'm not ready"

"why are you so dramatic Seokmae" Hanbin laugh "sorry I have been only hearing bad new these days hehe"

"Ok we should sit ,I need to tell you this" they walk around to look for an empty space to talk about this 'terrible thing' , then they found one shortly

"So?" Hanbin ask impatiently

"Gyuvin and his boyfriend broke up" Hanbin and Matthew both dramatically gasp as they heard that

"Well good for you- ouch!" Matthew was pinch by Hanbin to stop him from talking further

"No...it's just i think I've lost feelings for him, seeing him so sad and frustrated ofcourse i feel bad but not in a romantic way but as his bestfriend and there are no more butterflies I use to feel when I'm with him , all I want for him now is to find a solution and find his happiness"

Hanbin and Matthew fondly smile at the younger as if they we looking at their child being mature

"That's great to hear that you're getting over him but what solution do you mean?" Matthew ask

"You see..." Gunwook then told everything Gyuvin had told him about the breakup , Matthew was puzzled cause when they first heard of this couple Keita had successfully (well he thought) taken care of them , and suddenly this? But like break up happens but that very unlikely to happen when it's a cupid doing but if it's like not a 'mistake'

"That's...so weird" Hanbin stated and Matthew nod

"I know right , I hope they find their solution, i really hope but well I need to go now , my class starts in a bit ,bye hyungs!" Gunwook ran off as Hanbin and Matthew bid him goodbye

"Do you know anything about this?" Hanbin ask and Matthew shook his head "but I know one thing"


"That Gyuvin and Yujin was a cupid doing , and when Keita hyung took 'care' of Gyuvin we only heard good stuff from him , and this is too sudden , and yea break-ups happens but like it's a very rare case if it's a cupid doing"

"Huh? Breakups rare? Huh? I don't understand this shit" Hanbin says looking visibly confused

"You see , we cupid of course help y'all in this love romance shit but y'all human's are such a NARCISSIST y'all tends to think that you're in love and get a boyfriend or girlfriend without a cupid consent and so those people mainly have pretty bad or not that bad breakups , so yea if it's a cupid's pare it's likely they don't break up unless you know when it's unfixable ofcourse"

"This cupid stuff is so complicated but interesting, I wish I could be one" Hanbin enthusiastically says making Matthew scoff

"You won't like it"


"It's just alot of unanswered questions,like why are we even here , why are we even needed like yea we stress alot and we have this system I don't even wanna talk about , we makes mistakes and the consequences are not that pretty, we're just like humans except we're immortal"

Hanbin nod "must be tiring" he thought

The end

WELL guess who decided to pop up , well yea sorry for making y'all wait so long and this one kinda short so forgive me 😭

And we'll get more information or all about Yujin in the next chapter anyway thanks for reading this love y'all

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