047. 'darling, you will bury me before I bury you'

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"Take my life and take my soul, wrap me in a wedding ring

You know I swear I'd give you anything"


Usually, whenever there would be the burning of shrouds, the bodies of those who are lost were never burned along with their shrouds. But this time it was different. For the first time in a long while, those shrouds were being burnt along with their significant owners.

When cleaning off the carnages from the woods after the battle, not a second passed in which they prayed for them to clean off the bodies of not one of theirs, but their enemies, half-bloods or not. But instead, the ratio against the loss of their side and the enemies was too great in comparison. Too many of them died. Too many of them were lost.

Amongst the dead was the son of Dionysus, whom Dodie could never forget the way he had gone down, being one of the very few that had seen it happening right before their eyes. He was wrapped peacefully in a deep purple shroud that embroidered magnificently with grapevines. His name was Castor. He'd been seventeen years old. His twin brother, Pollux, tried to say a few words, but he choked up.

Then it was Dodie's turn to speak at the front of the amphitheatre. But she didn't speak for a long while. All she could do was stare at the arrays of bodies of those she knew — once knew.

She felt numb, and as she set her sights upon the lifeless body of Lee Fletcher, her mind wandered back to the memories they had shared. She remembered the time they had spent together, training and practising archery, and how they used to compete to see who had the better shot. The sound of his laughter resonated in her ears, and the image of his kind and caring heart warmed her, and how he had always been there for her when she needed someone to talk to, someone she even shared certain secrets and jokes with.

He was her twin. The twin she never had.

And he was gone.

"Dibs on walking you down the aisle when you get married one day!"

And always her answer would be "If, you mean, Lee. Let's be honest here, I don't look like someone that would find love anytime soon," because she believed that was her fate. And always, he would disagree with her, saying how if there was anyone that would find genuine love in their cabin, it would be her.

Back then, she found such a statement to be incredulous and annoying. But now, as she stared at the lifeless body that was wrapped in a golden shroud, embroidered with a blue laurel — a shroud that was supposed to be kept inside that chest and never to be open forever — that she prepared so long ago, all she wanted was to hear his incredulous statements, his jokes.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now