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HEADCANON 1: POMNI is autistic, because of her excessive worry and paranoia of changes after entering the Digital Circus realm.

HEADCANON 2: POMNI is closeted, but might come out as a Lesbian because of her current relationship with RAGATHA, they both come out as a great duo in the show and RAGATHA was the first one to reassure POMNI when she hyperventilated during situations and was the only supportive member of the Digital Circus crew to atleast try and comfort POMNI, also apologizing for her first day in the Digital realm being terrible showing sympathy for POMNI that she had to witness it all in just ONE DAY even though she was in terrible condition, RAGATHA showed comfort and support that everything will work out. And RAGATHA's a lesbian!

HEADCANON 3: KINGER has social anxiety, the little fella just gives those vibes <3

HEADCANON 4: RAGATHA and POMNI might be a possible relationship in the future, my fav fruity duo!! <333 [UPDATE: I am completely aware of what Gooseworx had said of no Canon ships being official in the show, but before y'all begin to attack me, Gooseworx also stated that it's still alright to ship them, but we'll have to keep aware that none of the ships we all have interests on will unfortunately not make it to the series.]

HEADCANON 5: CAINE might've made up the 'Digital hallucinations' in The Amazing digital Circus pilot to hide the truth there was a actual way out of the Digital realm. And the void might've been a possible exit out of the Digital realm.

HEADCANON 6: Each character might see exits in a different style as KAUFMO's looked like a mineshaft entrance whilst POMNI's was more of a office-styled. This might also predict that before the characters entered the Digital realm that the entrances resemble their past jobs before entering the Digital realm permanently.

HEADCANON 7: As revealed in Wikipedia of white clowns, it reveals White clowns are the Highest ranked in the Circus. Which might reveal that KAUFMO was CAINE's most trusted member and CAINE handing over the keys to a cellar, revealing the same Mineshaft entrance shown in one of the picture frames in The Amazing Digital Circus pilot episode.


- Signed by author Chen_Jirou! <3

BONUS: Before you begin to attack me on 'POMNI is a minor and RAGATHA's older than her', POMNI is 25 and RAGATHA's 30, Wikipedia says it all. So don't come attacking me on that and research their ages on Google before attacking me. 😐

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