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It was a very boring night so I decided to take a stroll in the city before heading back home, and what fun way it would be to meet Lynn again, I admit she's cute tho she's not my type but playing with her seems more fun right now. The flashing neon lights beamed above us while all ages walks around shopping, eating, playing as if there was no tomorrow how wonderful it must be to live in a society where you can pretty much do you please but at the end of the day things comes with a price.

They may not realize that they too become insane at the world for their sins, yet they do it anyways .. they pretend that things will be fine the next day but in reality .. is everything always fine and happy? I don't think so. Everyday we created a world filled without peace and harmony even if people think there is one, I'd say there isn't much peace in this world. It's corrupted and delusional, fighting about freedom, killing one another for the sake of someone else, racism, kids that needed to be fed and taken cared of other than be sold just for money. In my world there is no peace and harmony only agonizing torture of pain and sadness.

No one is normal, heck I'm not normal myself if you think you are then your insane.

My thoughts had been halted when I see very two familiar people she cling on he's arm while they held hands not letting go. The closer they came the more there faces became more visible. A wide grin formed on my face as I knew who these two lovelies were.

"Jungkook and Lynn... you have got to be kidding me? Of all people, it had to be him.. Well I hope my little cousin doesn't mind me hanging out with Lynn then" I said to myself chuckling at my words.

V POV ~~

By the time this whole drama is over, I won't be here for long I know my limits and I need to go as far as I can to ensure the safety of my family. Hopefully when I tell Lynn everything I hope she understands because I myself don't understand how I was able to let her go in the first place, she probably hates me by now and I don't blame her, promising her that when I get out I'd stay with her till then, but unfortunately that promise has been broken, her heart is broken because of me. And I deserve every punishment that is to come at the end of the tunnel.

"Baby? What are you thinking right now?"

I turned my head to look at Areum in a black tank top dress, I almost forgot we were going to watch a movie together.

"Oh~ sorry hun.." I said grabbing my keys. She smiled at me waiting by the door. I laced my hands with hers as we headed out to the city.

Areum has been good girl lately, I know when she's up to something and honestly she's not up to anything bad. I realize that maybe she changed because of me, I've been so good to her without leaving her like other men did to in the past, knowing that she's still hurt from Jungkook but she's trying her hardest to forget about him and move on. She's really isn't so bad once you actually get to know her, people think she's crazy, slut, whore you name it but spending some time with her makes you understand that she isn't all that. She's blunt like her brother, she's smart, seductive, cute and charming in her own ways. And I guess that's the reason why I've devoted my life with her, she's not evil as people claimed her to be, they just never seemed to understand her and what she went through when she was young.

She was only 14 when she had been rapped from her father 67 times and more from her fathers friend, I'm pretty sure she had the most pain and suffering than all of us, those horrifying memories must be excruciating for her to remember once in awhile, and even when she told the police about it no one believed her they thought she was crazy so they send her to mental institute, they thought that it could help her there but nothing seemed to work, medication, needles and therapist were just a waste of time for her. All she wanted was to be loved by someone or anyone because she never really received it even Yoongi despised her he thinks she was weak like there mother, but in a way he did care for her he just never really shone it, then soon she met Jung Kook and in the end they hit it off very well, till she ended up sleeping with other men, that made Jung kook furious, he would beat her up till dusk, but she enjoyed it. She thought that this was Jung Kooks way of saying he loved her. But they soon got separated once again, sending her off to somewhere isolated from the world, she became mentally ill because of him, almost to the point of killing herself. And now she's with me and I'll make her feel loved and happy, because that's all I want her to feel.

Psychopath 2 •• J.J.K [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now