Part 1

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Inside the Stark tower

"There is a new target we need to acquire, they have been spotted in a new hydra base in England, we need to take down hydra and carefully bring in the mutant. We have no idea what were dealing with so proceed with caution" Fury says as he briefs to the avengers the new mission.

"Who will be going?" Steve asks.

"Everyone who is sat around this table" When Steve looked around he realised this was no ordinary mission, every single person who was on the team was there.

"You will be leaving this afternoon, I will send over the coordinates." And with that the one eyed man exits leaving the team puzzled wo what their getting into.

"That was vague" Tony says as he swivels on his chair.

"yeah no crap, normally we get at least some information onto what's going to happen" Clint says as he looks towards the sheet in the middle of the table, Natasha picks it up and begins to read it out loud.

"Enter through the main door, take down as many agents as you can find, once done find room 455 and take down the mutant with caution, sedate them then bring them back to the tower." She finishes.

"Seems easy enough" Thor says as he begins to get up to leave.

"Easier said than done, last time we had a full team on a mission it was when we were trying to kill your brother" Steve says, Thor nods then leaves the room. "Well we best start getting ready, meet on the jet in 20" he says as everyone starts getting up and leaving.

The quinjet

"Once the door opens everyone needs to check every room and hiding spot making sure we leave no agent out, once we know for certain there gone we go find room 445, nobody enter till were all their okay?"  Steve speaks as everyone nods their head understanding.

"3...2...1... Avengers assemble" Steve and Tony head in first while the rest follow. Each avengers quickly takes out the hydra agents either knocking them out or sedating them. When their is no longer any agents in sight they all hunt to find the mysterious Mutant.

"Anybody find the room yet?" Nobody answers, a couple of minutes go by.

"Found it, its on the 5th floor" Pietro says, he waits patiently as each avengers shows up.

"Ready?" Steve says, Bucky and Tony yank the door and brace for danger but asoon as light shines in on the dark room, you can see the figure of a small frame sat down in the corner.

"Steve?" Peter says, as he watches the figure hides it body away budging even closer to the corner.

"Tony can you shine some light?" Steve says as Tony asks his suit to do it. When a bright light shines in the room small gasps can be heard.

"Oh my god" Clint says, It was a body of a young girl, her hair all matted, and dirt covering her head to toe, her body so malnourished she looked close to death.

"Pietro can you run down and go get a blanket and some food from the jet" Steve says, He quickly speeds off leaving a trail of blue, and within moments he's back with two blankets and a cheese sandwich.

"Ill go in, if theres too many people it might startle her" Natasha says as she heads towards the small frame. As Nat reaches the girl she hears a shudder come from the girls lips. "Its okay, were not going to hurt you" she coo's as she places a blanket on the girl "You can trust us" Nat goes to help the girl up but she shy's away making Nat's heart ache. Nat reaches into her pocket and pulls out the needle, she hides it until she sparks the right moment to place it in, a sequel can be heard form the girls lips but a second later the girl is in a deep sleep.

"Is everything alright Nat?" Clint asks concerned, Nat spins around and nods allowing Steve to come in and carry her bridal style.

"We need to get back ASAP this girl needs medical treatment immediately" Nat says as everyone rushes out to the quinjet.

The Stark Tower

"Okay so we have run some test on her and in a couple of moments we should be able to know who she is" Bruce says as he checks her vitals.

"Okay and the sedative should give us at least a couple more hours" Tony says, Bruce and Tony work on a small tablet at the other side of the room as Steve and Clint are watching the young girl trying to figure out what happened to her.

Spencer's POV

When my eyes flutter open I'm greeted by a bright light and the smell of medical treatments, I go to sit up but my back causes me to groan out in pain, I look up to see two men looking at me shocked.

"Tony! she's awake" The man shouts out, multiple steps can be heard surrounding me.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice is croaky but still hearable.

"Your in the Stark Tower, we rescued you from Hydra" another man says who has arrows attached to his back. As soon as I hear the word Hydra I start hyperventilating remembering all the things they did to me.

"No No its fine were not them, were going to help you" A guy with blonde hair says. I hear commotion coming towards the door, and ten seconds later more people are coming in. I begin to panic and look down at where I'm laid, I see a needle stuck in my arm and instantly feel sick.

"No" I say as I try to take the needle out, multiple hands try and stop me but I strengthen my grip.

"What the hell, how is she so strong?" I hear one of them say, as I watch the needle stick further into my arm I feel the sickness arise and before I even realise it I'm throwing up onto someone's shoes.

"I thought after having my last kid I wouldn't have to deal with sick on me again" I hear him say, before I can even say sorry I'm pulled into another deep sleep.

Hope you all like, please leave a comment down at the bottom on anything you would like to happen in the story 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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