Chapter 5- Please

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avril lavigne : breakaway

Oh my god what the hell is that noise? My head is pounding and I have no idea what's going on

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Oh my god what the hell is that noise? My head is pounding and I have no idea what's going on. Opening my eyes, I look around suddenly remembering how I got here. I don't think I'll be running again for a while. These boys really seem to like chloroform. Can that stuff be used twice in such a short space of time on a person? He could've killed me. Would've been better for him if he had. And for me clearly seeing as how I'm stuck in another uncomfortable chair. My arms are cuffed. Like literal handcuffs. Thankfully in front of me, but damn they're tight. My legs are tied with rope and I have some sort of material in my mouth.

I look at the man sitting in the front seat of the car blasting metal and singing his little heart out. I'll have to remember to use this against him in the future. I plant a smirk on my face the minute the song ends and clear my throat. His eyes glance over at me through the mirror and he instantly glares back. I can hear the curses going through his head. Yeah buddy, caught you singing.

"Shut up." He grumbles.

If I could only speak in the first place.

Watching out the front window, I notice a different location from the first place he initially brought me in to. Parking the car and getting out, he instantly comes to my door and pulls me out throwing me over his shoulder like a literal sack of potatoes.
I let out angry muffled curses at him hitting at his back until he finally throws me down on a sofa. Wow this place is amazing. It's dark but beautifully decorated with art and god this sofa is comfy.

"Don't get comfortable. This is the only part of the house you're gonna see."

He's grumpy. Clearly embarrassed from earlier. I wish he would take this damn thing out of my mouth, I'm desperate to speak. I hum at him again making any noise so he'll get fed up and take it out. Annoying him tends to get me what I want. He's pretty easy to control.

"Can you shut up? I have to make a call." He says placing a finger up at me and holding his phone up to his ear. "Don't move, I'll be back."

I look back at him flatly creasing my eyebrows. I mean where does he think I'm going tied up like this?

I can't even hear his call either. This is going to be so boring. I wonder where we are. Maybe this is his house. Last time he took me to their shared house which was scary to say the least. I mean they had all sorts of cells and rooms I wasn't allowed to see. I ended up in one that was typical of a police station. Table in the middle, chairs either side. Only I was tied to the chair, obviously. Well for most of the time until he-

"Ready to see your new home?" He grins walking back into the room.

Dammit he interrupted my train of thought. That grin is terrifying. He comes over to me ripping the material out of my mouth and stares into my eyes keeping silent. Is he looking for something? It's like he's hoping for something. It's definitely gone once I open my mouth though. "You have a lovely voice Kookie."

He huffs untying my legs and pulls me off the sofa letting me walk myself with him very tightly gripping my arm.

"So do I get my own room?"

"Something like that."

We approach a rather dull looking corridor with one single door at the end decorated with all kids of locks. God I've never seen locks like that before what the hell is he keeping behind there? As we continue down the hall, I realise there are no other doors except that one. Great, I guess I'm being kept behind there. Stopping at the door he turns me around placing a hand over my eyes and consequently pulls my back against him.

"Get off me." I huff squirming in his hold.

"I thought you liked being this close to me." He teases.

"Not like this."

Having unlocked the final lock, he lets go of me again before pushing me through the door. There's steps as well? Well this just keeps getting better. He flicks the lights on to reveal a basement with one single chair in the middle already waiting with ropes attached.

"Oh come on." I mumble making my way down the stairs slowly approaching the chair I'm gonna be calling home.

"Welcome to your room Luna. I got you a special chair, just for you. And a room all to yourself."

"Don't you want me in your room?" I smile looking at him over my shoulder.


He sits me in the chair and stares at me with his arms crossed, "You're free to roam around here, the ropes are only if you try to escape. So please do yourself a favour and don't try. I'll be back in the morning with food and if you actually answer my questions this time, then I'll let you go. Sound good?"

I scoff, "No it doesn't sound good. You're not seriously leaving me down here with nothing until morning are you? Where the hell am I supposed to sleep? What if I have to use the bathroom?"

"There's facilities in that little cupboard over there," he says pointing to a door hidden by the stairs, "and that chair is your bed. There's a box of water bottles and a blanket just in case but other than that, you're a prisoner and until you pay for your crimes, this is how you get treated."

"How many times do I have to tell you I haven't done anything?" I raise my voice finally letting my frustration get the best of me.

"As many as you want. I won't believe you." He sighs staying stoic staring back at me and undoing my handcuffs.

I rub my wrists from the relief of those being removed. They were so tight. "Kook please. I'm telling the truth okay?" I begin as I get off the chair and stand close to him, "No games this time. I did not murder them. It was wrong place wrong time. I really didn't, I couldn't. I know I play this big confident character, but it's not real, I'm just trying to get back to my old life. Well as much as I can." I whisper the last part desperation filling my body for him to believe me.

He almost lights up as he shakes his head, "You're a really good actress you know that? If you ever get out of here you should consider that as your next path in life. The criminal life, petty theft and murder are wasted on you."

"So you really don't believe me?" I ask quietly, stepping away from him again.

"Of course I don't believe you. You've played me this entire time. I mean has anything you've ever said been the truth?"

"Everything has been the truth. To an extent."

"So you really do like me then?" He laughs.

"To an extent. I mean it's not like I don't find you attractive-" He interrupts me with an obnoxious laugh bent over holding onto his stomach as he looks up at me, "See how can I believe you when you say crap like that."

I look at him confused a tear leaving my eye. "What? I'm not lying to you Jungkook."

"Sure. Well anyway, thanks for the laugh, I'll be back in the morning." He heads towards the stairs and I lunge out for him grabbing his arm. "Please don't leave me down here."

"Get off me."

"Please Kook, please." I beg more tears filling up in my eyes.

"Stop talking to me like we're friends. You're my prisoner. Act like it." He shakes me off and walks back up the stairs.

I collapse on the ground at the bottom of the stairs hearing him lock every single lock on the door without fail. I let the tears fall instantly regretting every decision I made since getting caught in the first place.

-A/N- Hey, thanks for reading! I'm missing bts a little extra this week <3

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