"You're not even human"

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Rain flowed down the streets of Yokohama. Darkness consumed the city, making it the perfect time for the devils to come out to play.

No matter how many times Dazai washed his hands, the dark crimson of Oda's blood remained. The sight of his only friend's cold, lifeless body lying limply in his arms will forever be burned into the back of his skull.

"Dazai, be on the side that saves people."

Dazai looked up into the night sky, the bitter taste of tobacco still fresh on his tongue. He sighed, "Alright. I'll try to become someone you can be proud of. Though I'm pretty sure I'll still be worthless trash at the end of the day."
Dazai took one final glance at the Port Mafia headquarters. His so called 'home', the place which was his living hell, but was also the place where he had met an interesting redhead, his partner. Dazai would've liked to say goodbye to his partner, but that would've made things a lot harder, especially since his partner was too damn loyal to the Mafia. However, that didn't mean that Dazai couldn't give him a farewell gift.

Dazai hummed to himself while walking towards where Chuuya's car should be parked. When he turned around the corner, he stood face to face with a man who had the brightest blue eyes and fiery embers of hair which were trapped underneath a fedora hat. The man was rather short and had a frown plastered onto his face.

Normally, Dazai would greet his partner with something along the lines of: "Good evening, chibi! I see my dog is out on a stroll~" or some other silly greeting. Tonight however, Dazai was not in the mood. Dazai's mind wasn't in the right place, not with the recent death of the only person who saw any good in a lost cause such as himself.

"Out of my way, Chuuya," Dazai said coldly. There was no warmth behind his dark eye, but there was no rage either. There was nothing. Just pure darkness, emptiness.

"Where do you think you're going, shitty Dazai?" Chuuya snarled.
"I'm leaving."
Chuuya was taken aback. "What? You're betraying the Port Mafia?!"

Dazai's voice was bereft of life, "I have to. For Oda's sake."
Chuuya being Chuuya, he let his anger take control of his vocal cords and yelled, "Where does your loyalty lie?! People around us die everyday. I know it's hard to accept sometimes, but you can't just leave for that stupid reason!"

Something snapped within Dazai and all he could see was red. He didn't even feel his own body move, but the next moment he had slammed Chuuya into the brick wall and his gun was held underneath his partner's chin.

Chuuya didn't even flinch and only scoffed at the gun which was directed at him, "Oh, yeah? You going to shoot me now? Do it. I fucking dare you."

Dazai glared down at him, but pulled the gun away and released his grip on Chuuya's shirt. The minute Chuuya was released, he sent a powerful kick into Dazai's abdomen which sent the brunet flying back a couple of metres.
"That's for hurting my back you asshole," Chuuya growled while pushing his sleeves up to his elbows.

Dazai wasn't the aggressive one in their partnership, but in that moment, he really needed to blow off some steam. Seeing that Dazai was willing to fight back for once, Chuuya let a smirk fall onto his face. "After I beat your ass, I'm going to drag you back to headquarters and we can pretend this never happened."

A horrifying expression morphed from Dazai's features. It was the exact same look he had when going up against a strong enemy. The exact same look that made him worthy of being called the demon-prodigy. "We'll see about that, short stack."

They both lunged forward, fists raised and ready to brawl. Chuuya was internally cussing at Dazai's ability. Don't get the wrong idea, Chuuya didn't depend on his ability, but he definitely felt more in control whenever he used his gravity manipulation. Dazai wasn't the brawn of soukoku, so Chuuya could easily knock him down. Though, it seemed that Dazai's animalistic instincts kicked in, because the bastard was actually putting up a good fight.
"Damn it. When did he get half-decent at hand-to-hand combat?" Chuuya thought to himself as one of Dazai's punches landed squarely in his stomach.

Their fight went on for hours and by the time Dazai had finally pinned Chuuya down onto the cold ground, they were both bloody and gasping for breath. In attempt to at least get the final word in, Chuuya spat, "Fine! Leave! Go fulfil your precious Oda's wish or some shit like that."
Chuuya knew he was being far too harsh with his words, but he couldn't help it. Whenever he got angry, he would say whatever the hell he wanted without thinking about it first. He was the true definition of 'no filter'.

Feeling how Dazai's grip tightened around his wrist, he regretted saying that. However, that didn't stop his mouth from running, "Does our partnership mean that little to you? I thought we trusted each other!"

Dazai sneered at the redhead underneath him. He could feel it coming out his throat. The vile, venomous words that he knew would become his greatest regret. He enunciated each word slowly and crystal clear, "Why would I trust you? You're not even human."

Chuuya felt as if someone had just plunged a knife into his heart, dug it out and then beat it with a mallet over and over again. His body went numb. He couldn't believe Dazai had just said that. Anyone else would've been okay, but not Dazai. Chuuya had shown Dazai all his vulnerable sides and had given him his trust. Heck, he'd even given his heart to Dazai, but now, everything shattered like glass. Luckily Dazai held a firm grip on Chuuya's wrist, otherwise Chuuya's overbearing emotions would've triggered corruption. If Chuuya was being honest, he wouldn't have minded that. He needed to punch something, break something, anything.

How utterly laughable this was. The person who Chuuya trusted the most in this world had just called him a monster. If an intellectual genius such as Dazai could call him a monster, then wouldn't that make it the truth? Maybe Dazai had always just been playing along with Chuuya's pretence to be human.

Dazai's face also stiffened, probably too stunned by his own words, but Chuuya couldn't look at that half-bandaged face anymore. He could feel hot tears well up in his eyes from the anger and the last thing he needed right now, was to show Dazai another vulnerable side to him. The bastard already owned too many.

Taking this opportunity, Chuuya sent one hard punch to Dazai's face and kicked the taller male off of him. Without another word or looking back, Chuuya readjusted his hat and stalked off into the night, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. He needed to feel the pain somewhere else in order to ignore the immense throbbing in his chest.

'See? What did I tell you? Humans are such contemptible creatures. One minute they're telling you how much they love you and the next, they leave you behind like a piece of torn paper.'
"Shut up," Chuuya mumbled.
Arahabaki only laughed. 'Why? It's not like I'm lying. Wasn't it just last week when Dazai cupped your face, telling you how much he loves you before kissing you? HAHAHAHA BUT YOU COULD STILL NEVER COMPETE WITH ODA.'

Chuuya grit his teeth, "I said, shut...UP!" He slammed his fist into the brick wall, making a large indentation and causing a few loose bricks to come crashing down. The God instantly zipped its lips. Knowing that he was one hundred percent alone, Chuuya let the salty liquid run freely down his face.

"I know," he choked out, "I know I was never the first option to Dazai."

The next day, the Port Mafia was told about Dazai's defection and Double Black was severed. Both the physical partnership between the two incredible ability users and the emotional bond, would now be nothing more than a notorious legend.

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